
Responses from puerto

Can I Use One Channel Of A Stereo Power Amp?
I think you can also. Currently I use a Krell KSA 250 stereo amp for the center channel on one side and the sub-woofer on the other side. Occasionaly I disconnect the sub with no apparent problems for the center channel. 
Krell FPB650m or FPB700cx
I've been partial to monos and love the Krell line. I don't think you can go wrong either way. A friend has the 650s and they really push his Lat 1000's. 
Transfer of Library to a back-up External HD
Thanks to each of you. This is a thread that I wish I could have pulled before it got "on the air". The box clearly stated that the FreeAgent was formatted for Windows and Vista - Duh! Two geeks at Best Buy AND me did not think to check that. I re... 
RCA cable lenght
Mwiliams; Is it not possible to put the monos next to the speakers? - that seems to be the layout of choice most of the time. Mine are about 2 feet from the speakers while the interconnects are about 7' away in either direction without any issues.... 
Berensford DAC
My new Beresford TC-7520 with upgraded Opamp just arrived last week and that, coupled with a new Sennheiser HD 380 Pro headset, makes an excellent combination. The frequency ranges are similar and the sound is great. Perhaps it will get even bette... 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
HAHAHA! Mechans - you are on the right track - I am happy too and don't see the need for change . . . .except that I just upgraded my headphones and headphone amp and there is the dire need for a better . . . . . .other than that, I'm done . . .to... 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
Wow! I have learned WAY more than I bargained for when I was only looking for info about cooling my Krells. LOL. . . From what I am reading The Krells may still be alive today, in our living rooms . . just waiting for their supreme commander to gi... 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
Not to worry Mechans - I wouldn't dare try it as a DIY! LOL! I have absolutely no idea what the heatsink tape is made of . . . guess that would be another question for Krell. 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
Krell advises that the heatsink tape is installed internally thus requiring dismantling of the amp. Guess I'll just learn to tune out the click. 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
OK - Here is what Raymond, a servce rep and Krell said: Do not use fans or loosen fin bolts. A remedy would be to send in the amps to Krell for installation of heatsink tape. I am trying to find out if this could be a DIY.He neglected to respond t... 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
Classicjazz - do you set the Noctuas on top of the amp to pull heat out of the inside or along side to pull heat from the fins? 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
I'll contact Krell and find out what options are available and let all of you know the reply. While I'm at it I can ask the D'Agostinos where the word "Krell" came from. That too would be interesting. 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
Loosening the fin bolts a "smigeon" is an interesting thought - can't hurt to give that a try. Collectively you have convinced me that a cooling fan is NOT a good idea. These are Krell fpb 350's that I really like - a while ago I let a pair of fpb... 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
I'd like to keep them on standby but it is expensive to do so. I agree with Davidbigeye - it definitely is bloody annoying but so is the fan that I have been blowing on them!! I thought that perhaps some small silent PC fans might create just enou... 
cooling my Krell monoblocks
Thank you for the replies - both make sense. One of the mono's "clicks" as it heats up and cools down but when I aim a fan at it the clicking stops - Krell says it is nothing to worry about but the the clicking is annoying and I find my ears "tuni...