
Responses from rayd

Can the projector be 20 ft away from the screen?
Attainable???...Yes. Practical???...Here are the issues.You didn't specify which projector you would use. Knowing the projector would indicate the lens ratio. A simple equation is to divide the throw distance by the lens ratio and you will get you... 
Any Thomas Dolby fans out there?
Thomas Dolby is great!! I have AAMB on vinyl and it kicks the CD (sorry guys).I love you goodbye.Rayd 
Maggie 3.6 amplification concern
I've been using a solid state bi-amp system with 8 year old MG3.5's for over a year and I have volume, bass, attack, smoothness, etc. A Brytson 10B crossover feeds an Ayre V-3 on top and a Levinson 332 on the bottom with a TacT RCS 2.0 providing p... 
Need help locating Projector bulb.
Theaterhome, a Notevision 6 is a Sharp XG-NV6XU. If this is the actual model number of your projector, I can help you. I work for a Sharp dealer and can get the lamp. Your cost is about $470.00 ( I'm not in the office so I don't have the exact cos... 
SOTA Sapphire Upgrades
Rockyboy, I had my 15 year old Sapphire reconditioned and upgraded by SOTA. I would do it again in an instant. I spent over an hour talking to a tech who answered ever question and explained all work that could be done and why it should or should ... 
Hearing local radio through speakers
dfd9, sounds like Cornfedboy is right. Try his suggestions. My own problem was one where I could hear a radio station without the use of a tuner. I tried moving my system countless times and then I switched to Canare interconnects and speaker cabl... 
looking for upgrade suggestions - 12,000 to spend
Chris, I would say upgrade by adding a turntable to your system. 12,000 smackers could get you a great turntable and LOTS of records. This is, of course, just my opinion. 
Audio Research Convert...
Gmele, which Maggies do you have? I am bi-amping 3.5s with an Ayre V-3 on top and a Levinson 332 on the bottom. Before bi-amping I listened to a VT100MKII vs. the 332 and the 332 did it for me but not by much. I never considered the 100.2 but now ... 
best cd's to impress your friends with..
Oahuan, great choice on the Tomita. For the record (no pun intended), the correct title is "Snowflakes Are Dancing". I have had this album for almost 27 years. I always smile when I hear it. I have it as an RCA Red Seal and the catalog number is A... 
LPs - display/storage etc ideas
I bought a three drawer MEDICAL file cabinet. It cost me $100.00 (used) and has room for hundreds of LPs. The drawers are wide enough to hold LPs and to have CDs on the side of the LPs. I can flip through LPs or CDs and see the front of each album. 
TACT RCS 2.0 Users Group
I have had a full blown TacT (room correction, A/D, D/A, all inputs and outputs)since 1999. I have been very happy with the sound. I lost most of the room reflections and the sound seems "easier" and a lot more musical. I also found I listened at ... 
FM radio tower near house
I had the same problem and switched speaker cables to Canare 4S8. Bye bye RF! 
Best Ambient Music
"Ambient" is very similar to what used to be known as "space music". Check out the early to mid 70's Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Temple, Klaus Schulze. Rayd 
Ayre V3 owners. What preamp do you use?
I am using a Tact 2.0 RCS for room correction and pre-amp capabilities. The Ayre is on the top end of a bi-amped system with a Levinson 332 on the bottom driving Maggie 3.5Rs. Mmmmmm good! 
system matching help
Streetman, I agree with the suggestions to find a dealer willing to help you, and, to add to that, one trying not to sell you. I would gather all the advice from Audiogon about makes and models and use it to make wise decisions based on what sound...