Responses from regafan
Subsonics with Grado & Rega Arm A tonearm rewire would probably remedy this situation. A typical 3 wire set up is required for a Grado. Without a dedicated ground wire problems like those posted happen. | |
Good carts with SME V I have a dedicated mono set up and the Audio Technica AT-33 mono is wonderful when attached to a SME V. This cartridge can be tricky, many uni-pivots just can't handle this mono cartridge. | |
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning My experience with ultrasonic cleaning is nowhere near as positive as the those reported by others. I had a choice between an Audio Desk Pro and a Loricraft PRC 6. I chose the Audio Desk Pro. The unit was purchased new from a dealer. The first alb... | |
Would anyone be interested in a timeshare on an Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner Pro? I remember speaking to the Canadian distributor for Audio Desk about this very subject. He said there would be no warranty on such a unit because abuse and silly people(he used much stronger terms) would destroy the unit in no time. | |
Manley with Harbeth Monitor 40.1 As a correction to my first post. The Harbeths I listened to were the new 40.2s, not the 40.1s as I stated in my first post. Although they have an easy to drive impedance of 6-8 ohms, they are only 86 dB efficient. | |
Manley with Harbeth Monitor 40.1 I did not write that post out of spite. I listened to a 6 figure system for an hour and was not impressed. My observations were exactly as stated in my previous post. I would have chosen a high current amplifier of at least 200 watts per channel. ... | |
Clint Eastwood I remember he was asked about desert island records and he said Oscar Peterson records would be his first choice. | |
Manley with Harbeth Monitor 40.1 I listened to a pair of 40.1's hooked up to a MacIntosh 275. The rest of the system was state of the art. The 275 struggled with the 40.1's. The left and right channels had different outputs, and there was tremendous tube rush. You need power to d... | |
SOTA Sapphire speed issue I purchased the KAB strobe light\disc apparatus. It works. | |
Spin Clean fluid On another forum, one of the gurus told a tale of how to get the most from your Spin Clean. He went 20-30 times in each direction. Changing it up it up half way as the bristles on the brush get used to going in one direction. So 10-15 right, 10-15... | |
SOTA Sapphire speed issue You should be able to remove the protective cover that houses the 33\45 switch, the on\off switch, and the speed adjustment. With that cover off determine if the belt has been installed inside out. The grippy side could be on the outside and the n... | |
J.A. Mitchell TecnoDec vs. Clearaudio Emotion CMB A vote for the Michell. It takes a very good uni-pivot arm to do bass properly. You will get bass from the Michell. | |
Rega RB2000 - Bearing Play I had this problem with a TecnoArm because of my clumsiness. I am not insinuating that you are clumsy. The bearings were covered by a small plastic plug that were easier to remove than see. After that I just snugged up the small screw until snug. ... | |
Phono cable recommendations - high performance good value cable I can vouch for Audio Sensibility cables. I run a 90 degree DIN to balanced outputs. They really helped. | |
Ortofon verto step-up any good? The Ortofon Verto uses Lundahl transformers. As Lundahl only makes so many models of transformer for moving coil cartridge applications my money is on that the Verto uses a Lundahl 1941 model. K&K Audio is the American distributor of Lundahl t... |