

Responses from rodge827

Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?
Kinn, The way that you will set up your system, in your new condo, would be a lot to ask of most speakers out there. Tim does offer a 30 day money back gaurantee, so that may be the way to go for you and the SK speakers. Try them and if the aren't... 
Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?
Kinn, You may want to consider the SK for your main system. As noted they won't peel your face off, but they do play loud enough to seriously get the message across. Don't be fooled by the spec's, everthing Tim Kroll writes in his site is true! Ta... 
Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?
Metman,Yes they have and sound great! The imaging is just so good with the S+K. No "head in vise" going on here. My wife noticed the imaging right off the bat. Her exact comments were "it sounds like he (Van Morrison) is in the room with us" and "... 
Good DAC to upgarde Music Hall CD 25.2?
Rebbi,Your cost effective budget? 
Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?
Shelby+Kroll Nano Monitors with 2 Woffer Monitors. A great sounding sleek modern design, that can be custom colored to match your decore. I sold my Audio Note and Lowther system for this set up. You WILL be blown away by the sound. Everything in t... 
Speakers for a 15w 6v6 integrated amp?
Omega Super Six Alnico Monitors with Deep Hemp SubOmega Super Six Alnico XRSBoth of these will shine with 15w of power if you want to buy used look Omega Super 8 Alnico XRS.Contact Louis at Omega, he is a great guy and will set you up right.Rodge 
USB DAC Recommendation
I have been doing some research for a new dac also. I came across the Anedio Dac1($1270 + shipping) I belive it has a high rez USB input that they claim is idiot proof. It has the new ESS Sabre 9018 chip in side, that so many feel is the future of... 
Looking for "Last" 2 channel speaker system.
Bullot, I just did something similar to what you are doing. After listening to Shelby + Kroll speakers. I made the decision to change from my Lowther horns driven by Audio Note gear, to Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors and the S+K Woffer unit. All dri... 
Speaker match for Simaudio W8/P8
Look into Shelby+Kroll speakers. Mine are on the way to me right now. I hope to have them for the weekend. I first saw an ad for them here on the Gon when I was looking for a sub to augment the bottom end of my Lowther Dx4 Medallions. I called Tim... 
Looking for help with speaker upgrades...
Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitor and Sub System! These are not floor standers, but WILL deliver the huge soundstage and deep tuneful bass that we all want! I purchased them after listening at a friends house. They are replacing my Medallion 2 Lowther D... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Hello,I have been fortunate to own and listen to some great horn systems (6moons road tour exit 1). Also I have owned many other type of single driver speakers as well. A couple of weeks ago I demo'ed a pair of Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors with th... 
Why the obsession with the lowest octave
It feels SOOOO GOOD! 
help with bedroom set up
Look into Omega Loudspeakers. Louis builds a number of different modles depending on your needs. His prices are resonable and you can always find some used here on the Gon. Omegas really sing with good quality tube gear.Good luck,Rodge 
Good Horn Speakers Of Moderate Size
Look into Lowther Medallion 2 & 3. I have a modified Medallion 2 to fit the DX4 driver. They can be found on the Lowther America website.If the Medallions are out of your budget try Brines Acoustic LT2000. They run about half the price of the ... 
Geddes-Gedlee Abbey placement
You can find a lot of info about the Geddes line over on the Audio Circle forum. AFAIK Geddes want his speakers to be at a 45* tow in angle to the listener, with a well dampened front wall. He also wants mutiple sub woffers to be used. Good luck