Responses from rodge827
Two subs or not Two subs? I agree with Zman.If you buy 1 sub first, get some long el'cheepo (Rat Shack) sub cables and move it all around the room. You may be surprised at where it sounds the best.Good luck | |
Jumper Question Check the fuse next to the binding posts. They are there to protect the tweeters. If they are blown you won't get any sound.Good-luck | |
What started you on your audiophile journey . Back in the mid 70's my older brother purchased an all in one unit (Tuner,amp,turntable,and 8-track)from Sears. We would listen to music and mess around with ways to help it sound better for hours. Then in 1982 a friend asked me to come over and l... | |
cable fast dynamic and transparant recommendation DNM HFTN IC's about $500.00 for 1m, you will be satisfied! | |
Obscure companies making excellent speakers? Shelby + Kroll :-) Do a search and read through the site.Tim Kroll has put together a great sounding speaker system. | |
Interconnect Help I listen to a lot of acoustic guitar, Tommy Emanual, Frank Vingola, Chet Atkins, Mark Knophler, Earl Klugh, Rodrigo y Gabriella, Segovia, etc.... My IC's are DNM with the HFTN upgrade. It is like having no cable at all between my Dac and Pre.Good-... | |
Class A SS vs. Class A/B SS I'm running my rig with an ATC SIA2 150. The first 80 watts are in clas A then will move to class A/B for the rest. I moved from tubes (300b SET) to this simple, great sounding, staight forward integrated.Good luck | |
Help choosing speakers Snell CV and Type D will do the trick. I have had them both and depending on condition will run $500 - $1000 used.Good luck | |
How hot is pure Class A solid state vs. SET? I just went from a 300b SET integrated amp to a SS Class A integrated and the heat is about the same.Hope this helps. | |
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick? Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors and Woofer Monitor. This combo at $2600.00 with some good Class A amplification will knock the socks of most speakers at many times their cost. | |
Speaker help - short list needed If you can stretch your budget a little, Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors and a Woofer Monitor in "b-stock" will run around the 2k mark. Very musical and fun. :-) If you are near or in NJ, drop me an email to set up a listen.Good-luck | |
Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire? Devilboy, Here are a couple of copies to response's that I wrote about Crimson, and the HFTN on DNM IC's. "A few years ago I did a demo of Crimson IC's and speaker wire in my system. At the time I was using soild core silver coated copper IC's mad... | |
Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire? Agisthos,Thanks for the info on the Downsize Audio cables, I'm going to look into them.Devilboy, I went from Crimson to DNM cables....The DNM IC's with the HFTN upgrade ($500.00) are really something special...perhaps system dependent?Mrtennis,Mr.... | |
Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire? To address the bass issue that Agisthos mentioned, DNM has developed two different solid core speaker cables. The Precision Speaker Cable (the thinner of the two) is designed to be used for speakers above 90db. I used this in my old 300b to Lowthe... | |
So what is the best speaker you have ever owned? My current and last set up, Shelby+Kroll Nano Monitors and 2 Woofer Monitors. These give me exactly what I want in music. All of what is described in the opening question and always a huge grin everytime I listen.Rodge |