

Responses from rodge827

Best Towers Under $1500 for beginner system
Used Snell CV! They can be easily had for less than 1k here on the Gon.Good luck 
What monitors sound OK on a bookshelf?
Omega Super Six Alnico Monitors. I had a pair and then upgraded to the Super 8 XRS Alnico. Louis could build them with the port in the front to suit your needs. Give him a call (203) 847-2800. Custom design,great sound, reasonably priced, and 30 d... 
Desktop Speakers for 10 wpc 300B Integrated
Omega! as mstark pointed out Louis can design or customise any of his current modles to fit your needs. 30 day MBG.Very worth the call. 
What speaker for being close to rear wall?
Omega! Any of the XRS line will do. Louis will also build any of his other designs with a front firing port for close to the wall positioning. Great sound and a 30 return policy. 
Subwoofer with good monitors
Look into the Omega Deep Hemp Sub. This sub was designed as a music only sub to work with the omega line of fast full range single driver speakers. The sub is an 8" hemp driver that reaches down to the mid 20hz range. It will work well with all lo... 
Need a speaker for the blues lover...
If you can stretch the budget look into Omega speakers. I had the Compact Hemp, Super Six Alnico Monitors and Super 8 Alnico XRS. Omegas are best known for how they portay the guitar. The best I have ever experienced! I've been in this hobby off a... 
Lowther's Cabinet
Contact John Ver Halen at Lowther of America,he may be able to help . The driver that you use will determine the best possible cabinet.Chris 
speakers for a smaller listening room
Omega Super 6 Alnico Monitor or if your budget can do it Omega Super 6 Alnico XRS. I have had the chance to listen extensively to the Super 6 Monitors and was VERY impressed. The room was 11w x 13.5l x 8h with carpeted floor. Gear was Audio Note K... 
speakers close to the back wall ?
Try the Omega Super 6 XRS Alnico or the Super 8 XRS Alnico. They are designed with a down fireing aperiodic port, so distance from the back wall is not that critical. Also Louis at Omega is a one off custom builder. He can make any of his designs ... 
Which speakers have the biggest soundstage
Omega Super 6 XRS Alnico or the Super 8 XRS Alnico. I had a pair of the XRS 8's for a year and loved the sound stage they threw. Room placement is very easy for the XRS line, and they sound great!!! I unfortunatly had to sell my XRS 8's due to the... 
Pre-audition advice needed
Omega link.http://www.omegaloudspeakers.com/contact 
Pre-audition advice needed
Omega is located in Norwalk,CT. Louis has a few different modles that will fit right in your budget. Give him a call to set up an audition. Bring your gear and music. Omega also offers a no hassle,flexable,30 day money back gaurantee.Rodge 
Looking for a compact speaker w/ some low end kick
Omega Super Six Alnico's!!I had these for a couple of months while my Super 8 Alnico XRS were being made. Good highs, great mids, and some very solid bass. I almost kept them for my office system, but decided to send them back to Omega, my office ... 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
Is anyone using the Decware gizmo to tame Lowthers
Yes I use them and they work great in a modified Medallion 2 cabinet with DX4's. They are still available from Decware. Go to the first page and click on Master Catalog and scroll to GIZMO and GIZGUTS. I believe the GIZGUTS are $100 and the finish...