

Responses from russ69

Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.
If the Rogue Pharaoh is anything like their Spinx V3, it might be a very good choice.   
How much faster of a sub is the REL T5X vs SVS SB12-NSD
OP. The punch you are looking for is often above subwoofer frequencies. The next driver up the range does that job and is backed up by the woofer. And that woofer will need real power to get it to knock your socks off.  
Could I use my analog hifi system for commerical bar?
Not sure any of this is viable as a business model but I'll chime in anyway. You'll want very efficient loudspeakers. Something like Klipsch LaScalas, raised up off the floor to project the sound out over the floor. 2 direct drive TTs is also a go... 
ADCOM HC/E II cartridge mothballed 25 years ago.
25 years is a long time. I would expect any elastomer (cantilever suspension) to be degraded by now.  
Emotiva CMX-2 Blown LED
It looks like the LEDs just tell you that the incoming line is wired correctly. Much like the cheap plug-in circuit tester I use. The stuff it does happens after the incoming line, I think. I would not give it a second thought, it's just an annoya... 
Integrated tube amp with phono pre - need recco
Speakers are B&W They can get a bit bright, the Sphinx would go good with B&Ws.  
Marantz Ruby PM KI amp vs Accuphase e-480 or e-380
@corelli Nothing wimpy about this intergrated. I stand corrected, I didn't know it was a class D. Specs seem good but I like to test with some amp sucking speakers like my Infinity 2.5s. That will separate the posers. Thanks for the heads up.   
Can I have two amp outputs from Lumin T2?
https://goldpt.com/sw2x.html There are also a lot of cheaper choices on Amazon.  
Integrated tube amp with phono pre - need recco
Oh shoot, I see you were looking for an integrated amp. Rogue Sphinx. I think when you said no linestages is what confused me.  
Mark Levinson 29, 27.5...
the speakers especially matter of course a lot. Yes, they do. Without knowing that I could not even begin to suggest anything.  
Tune (Hybrid) preamp Making Loud "Burping" Sounds
Always check the tubes first. Put in a fresh pair of known good tubes.   
Help me pick a new pair of speakers
Triangle Signature Theta. Efficient, and tube friendly. Great for jazz.   
Buffer amp no gain
@erik_squires You literally just described the reason preamps exist. Yes, Erik has it right, the pre-amp can amplify the signal, it also attenuates the signal and sends a signal to the amp at the right impedance. I've never seen a top audio sys... 
What are we objectivists missing?
@mitch2 Nobody here is building a space shuttle. Well not anymore, I'm retired.   
Integrated tube amp with phono pre - need recco
Not many choices in that price range. How about a Schitt Freya+ with an outboard phono amp?