Responses from schubert
Best high-end headphones with noice cancellation ... Business flyers buy Bose because that is what they do.Music lovers usually buy Sony . | |
Accuphase pricing Japan vs. USA And often the same if you don't . | |
The Right Stuff Brave is when you are scared and do it anyway , He was not scared. | |
KEF R3s or Dynaudio special 40? I've heard both quite a bit , both are fine.I would use the KEF's on acoustic music and the Dyn's on rock . | |
Have you given Audio/Stereo equipment as gifts? Been doing this for over 50 years and have bought a lot of gear..Never sold anything . When I run into young couples who are interested in Classical music but are short on cash, I give them a decent system with a hundred CD's of the best Cla... | |
Why do some think "music" (not gear, trading, etc.) is the ultimate end? Because they are stupid . | |
SME tonearm rewire - holy cow Things usually do well with Canadians . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados | |
Favorite Symphonies Quiz It seems not possible to me to make such a marriage of pure love between a violin and the sublime winds .In the over 8,000 recordings I owned and 2,000 live Classic concerts I’ve been to in the last 60 years this is the Zenith for me .I’ve heard i... | |
Favorite Symphonies Quiz 1. Brahms 2.Haydn 3.Mozart 4.Schubert 5.Beethoven 6.Schumann 7.Dvorak. 8. Sibelius 9. Vaughan WilliamsHard to live Tchaikovsky out but Vaughan Williams (or Elgar) wrote the best of modern English Symphonies .IMO he wrote the most just plain beauti... | |
Jazz for aficionados | |
Jazz for aficionados 0-10, It took a few days with my connections but yes, your outfit was one of the few actually considered military in the Air Force .TOITMC, Nat King Cole was 2nd with Nature Boy . | |
Jazz for aficionados The best rendition of "Nature Boy" ever . | |
Jazz for aficionados I always liked " Loveless Love" but only heard Billy Holiday do it .Little lady on Roc’s held her own . Thanks !O-10 that violin-piano outing is going cost me money. Who knew ! | |
Jazz for aficionados To my hears Billy Taylor put out the best piano-violin piece I know about . . THIS IS A FANTASTIC CLIP than anyone will LEARN FROM !! |