Responses from schubert
Good, classic Christmas music will have to get through the commercial intro.. Happy Christmas ! ( UK Greeting } | |
Primaluna EVO 300/400 Preamplifier owners - let's hear from you The rulers are bad but the Chinese people are very good people . China didn't ask the US firms to come over for cheap wages,the AMERICAN firms did ! | |
Earplugs at concerts back in the day I'm 85 and have been to over 2,000 concerts in last 60 years and have near-perfect hearing without using anything .Of course they were all Classical Music outings . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados B.S. in an opera he dam sure does !Can’t but agree with you Jim.I At my age time is of the essence . Like any Classical lover I have played all the LvB sonatas many times . Bach takes about 1/3 of my 5-6 hours daiily time. My biggest love has alwa... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados As did Haydn did with his superb religious works that challenge the Bach Passions and beat them all with his superb St Qts .Mozart’s piano concertos are the best and his opera’s are excellent .There is a little guy named Puccini who did better in ... | |
Ohm Speakers Model B True, but you do get old and a target for Q-19 .Been there. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados The real Haydn when he wrote what HE wanted !Very top of Classical music . is the equal of Mozart and he him.Most all on here would choose Mozart, I lean a bit toward Haydn because the String Quartet is my wheel... | |
Favorite Symphonies Quiz Yes l would. 104 over 40. first Symphony’s were superb , when he could compose what he wanted do .! have this LP , though I am down to about 1,000 LP's these days it would in th... | |
Looking for new to me Jazz music A jazz Christmas Masterpiece | |
Good, classic Christmas music will have to get through the commercial intro.. A Jazz Christmas Masterpiece | |
Jazz for aficionados Masterpiece | |
Whats playing on your system today? +1 for Paul Bley ! | |
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market? Satan agrees with you cd, what is a few hundred thousand dead . | |
Which speakers to be ''in'' the music? The brand that is always true to the music and gives most of bang for buck is Totem from Montreal . At least of the hundred I have tried . | |
Turntable? Arm or cartridge? IMO everything is important but the arm is the most important . |