Responses from schubert
Jazz for aficionados Rok21d. that outing from Les and Eddie is a blast ! Got to get that Generation Gap !! | |
Jazz for aficionados Frogman, God as my witness. I went to U of MN, top 50 in the world , then U of WI top 25, 2 German U’s where you lived or died in a 3 hour grilling .If God made me the 1st human for a do-over at 18 and I could go to any U I wanted , I’d pick littl... | |
Jazz for aficionados Pure Wisdom from one of the greatest American Musicians at the Crane Music School at SUNY Potsdam N.Y. bad for kids who likely will be school Music Teachers , one of the best things you can be ! | |
Jazz for aficionados Old but Bold ! Band with a real Piano and Soprano Saxophone,not a week sister in this band !.One of the old standards you never hear . With the Fantastic Nicholas Brothers ! | |
Jazz for aficionados Politics got in to it, time was unusual for Germany .But Germany is an actual democracy so there are more than 2 parties having a voice . | |
Jazz for aficionados A sad day for anyone who loved Berlin and flew into it’s airport(Tegel) in last 60 years . Very sad for me as I did at least a hundred times (sob) . Just cuting onions.New one (BER) Willy Brant is 18 kilometers SE from city center, Tegel was 5 nor... | |
Jazz for aficionados This sounds much like Shorter’s " Terra Incognito" classical piece which is on You Tube . Goggle won’t let you hear it unless you join them , I heard it on St Paul PBS .Dr SaxLove , good chill. | |
Jazz for aficionados With Shaw my living room is not playing music , it IS music ! | |
Jazz for aficionados frogman, 40% of S. Koreans are Christian . As you know interesting as any nation in the world .Several Korean Churches within 3 miles of my home in St. Paul and they are well attended .The kids light touch is great and sound clean as a dog's bone . | |
Jazz for aficionados Three very nice posts , 2id. Esp. the Shaw/ Conniff outing !Could listen to Shaw 5-6 hours and sometimes do .Will be superb centuries from now .Hope someone will still be alive to hear him.Why not k? I look for talent outside the US . | |
Jazz for aficionados Korean kid IMO has such swing and harmonic grove he has unlimited improv future in Jazz with his Evan hears with classical training .Those Rhodes are something .For a kid to get to the Jazz essence of this with... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados LvB Op 59 No.1 | |
Classical Music for Aficionados own band . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Because station in St Paul is having a LvB week.It feeds a lot of other stations. | |
Professional Turntable Set Up in Kentucky? Only real safety is you alone in your room. |