

Responses from snook2

how to upgrade this digital front end ?
Try an Audio Tekne cd transformer between your dac and transport.It made an unbelievable improvement to an already excellent Audiomeca Mephisto II and the enkianthus dac combo. I am not sure what the technology is due to the unreadable English tra... 
Which speakers would be a good upgrade in a small
Another vote for Piega's 
Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
Tkunda, It was the G5 cables I compared to the audio tekne. The differences were so subtle it is hard to justify there price. On the other hand another friend traded his audio teknecables for the Valhalla's. I guess the bottom line is to trust you... 
Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
Interesting timing on this post. I borrowed all siltech IC's and 2 runs of speaker cables to see if they were better than the audio tekne cables. After about 10 hours of listening we noticed a slight bit more resolution with a leaner bass. Hardly ... 
Best Patricia Barber's CD?
I'm on a track with the last post. She's a great singer with great recordings but each cd is is the same after listening a few times. Would love to see her branch out 
What Power Cord for Tubed Preamp
Take your time and find any good used cord. When I had the Wolcotts I didn't hear any difference from the 5 brands I listened to. I settled on the JPS power cord. 
Why so many Aloia products for sale?
Most people are name brand buyers(Krell,Levinson,etc.). They are good products and usually get decent resale. The Aloia's maybe a little obscure in the high-end world but they are one of the best regardless of price. They are ranked with Lamm's as... 
Is there anyone who came back from tubes to SS?
I too switched because of reliability problems[Cary,Wolcott] and on the advice of a Lamm listener I switched to Aloia. Tube replacement constant biasing took away from listening 
Cables that make no sense...
Cables the Ultra ripoff. Its good to know everyone knows this. I wonder if anyone has purchased the $12,000 transparent cable. Why not put a bar of gold as a replacement you will also get a better trade on it down the road 
wich transport?
The audiomeca mephisto is a most revealing transport. I'm not familiar with the kreatura. The mephist is probably the best looking component if that makes any difference 
Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?
I agree with Jtinn on the Piega's. These speakers are very room friendly at half the price of the eidolon's. 
Opinions on Audio Tekne ARC 500 ICs?
These cables are excellent. There are some good deals. I found them equal to synergistic,transparent,JPS, and nordost in my systems. Lars fredell had a great review and equalled them to his reference. 
Power Cord for a PS 600
I have tried Audio Tekne and JPS in the ps 300 and both sounded the same. Get any good cord and you probably won't here a difference. 
Dunlavy,Counterpoint synergy.....
Of the cables I have used on the DunlavyIVA i found no significant difference. Check out the Cable CO. for cable rentals and you'll probably find that Dunlavy is right. 
Michael Green Just-A-Rack / Amp Stands
I had a problem with the Just-a-rack. The paint had a reaction to the feet of my components. When I moved each piece the paint came off or the feet stuck to the shelf. I did receive one reply from email and that was it. I will try to call again.