
Responses from sns

Single ended = large images?
I've never experienced instruments out of proportion to humans on any SET amp I've owned or heard at shows, or in other home systems. Now I do hear a certain sound stage difference between SET and push pull tubes or class a/b ss. SET's have this s... 
101D Triodes
Israel ended production of 101d tube version for exactly the reason of masses of unreliable quality 101 tubes, this he directly stated to me. He also mentioned quality of these tubes went down over the years, earlier production dates more reliable... 
Single ended = large images?
I guess I don't understand how images can be considered too large. Are you saying images were larger than normal size humans, anything up to human size would not be unnatural to my mind.   Perhaps images seem excessively large due to sound wave ... 
Current quality of Rune
I agree a one box solution can equal or surpass a two box solution. At issue is the quality of the output or interface (usb, I2S, spdif, etc) of streamer. For instance if one is using a laptop for Roon, no brainer to adopt a two box solution, this... 
LAIV Harmony
I've determined the Musetec 006 will be my reference dac for the near, perhaps longer term. Both presentations  great, just ooze with ease and refinement, holistic, analog like sound quality. This especially true with both dacs slaved or synced to... 
LAIV Harmony
@catastrofe You have one excess conversion. Why are you doing OpticalModule to MicroRendu, you should be using OpticalRendu, keep it all optical post switch.  then OpticalRendu via usb to ddc. I'll reiterate the vast superiority of I2S vs usb with... 
Power cord
As previously mentioned, go with lending library at CableCompany. Only a survey of cables auditioned in your system will inform you. I went through a ten year period auditioning  interconnects, speaker, digital and power cables, many price tiers.  
Current quality of Rune
A few people claim Roon sound quality not up to par, most don't have issue. My argument is regardless of music player being used, streams should equal sound quality of cd's played via a quality cd transport, or rips on a hard drive. I've run Audir... 
101D Triodes
@bradf I also have Coincident Statement, I've used Shuguang, low level Psvane, Psvane WE, Linlai elite solid and mesh plates. I had failures with both Linlai, one failure on the Psvane WE. The cheap Shuguang  is only 101 with no failures, problem ... 
LAIV Harmony
@kereru Not sure what you mean by optical usb isolators. Optical is an ethernet/network conversion. No provision or need to have usb isolator on first optical converter in line, the receiving optical converter has the usb isolation and output.  ... 
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit
Back in the day I used to run push pull amps, can't believe anyone likes 6550's, all balls, no subtlety in my amps and setups, much preferred EL 34 or lower powered KT family.  
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
@car123 I'd estimate this review is as much about the Gaia as it is about 006. I'd expect a lesser DDC or less optimized I2S interface to bring less to the table so in my mind the Gaia is an absolute necessity to extract maximum potential from 006... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
I may be forgetting something? In any case, nothing is ever perfect. I'm still hearing just a bit of flatness or lack of micro dynamic expression with 006, I continue to hear just the slightest improvement here, long, long development phase here, ... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
So now we come to presentation, 006 more natural than 005, Laiv Harmony more holistic than 006, this all via usb. Laiv/Gaia combo via I2S beats out 006 via usb, and now we have 006/Gaia combo beats out the Laiv/Gaia. The most noticeable thing here... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
First off, I'm a relatively seasoned, somewhat jaded audiophile, decades of changes has informed me vast, vast majority of changes are only incremental, they can be negative, lateral, in that change is simply that, or positive. The way it normally...