Responses from sns
Isolation transformer question The only time I had intrusive hum on the Plitron within my BPT was when I had an over voltage situation with my provider, 125-126V. I also had noisy power trans. in my Art Audio 845 and Coincident 845 amps, I ended up building bucking trans. to qu... | |
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move @jbhiller If you're open to further modding the Cornwalls changing out the inductors was extremely worthwhile, stock Klipsch not so good. I went to Jantzens, higher resolving, greater transparency, more natural timbre. Klipsch Heritage can ima... | |
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it I've never had this issue with three custom build servers. With present custom build I'm rarely see anything above 5% usage in any particular core, this with Intel I9 processor. ATX board running Euphony OS. I'd agree Roon forum not much good ... | |
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move I'd stick with horns or open baffle speakers, I went from open baffle to box speakers, never could quite deal with the box speaker presentation. After that went to Klipschorns, I've modded them extensively, only bass bin remains stock. Klipsch Her... | |
Kris Kristofferson "Heavens Gate", great film, great role! Man of many talents. | |
Audio Fantasies I'd say everyone. Who doesn't have an idea of what their fantasy system would sound like. Everyone working towards that. | |
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship Second listening session, now 125 hours. In what I'd call transition period at this point. First session, impressive gains in resolution/transparency attracted vast majority of my attention. This area of performance is the calling card of 006,... | |
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship @darcman I'd say without a doubt usb way to go with Musetec. I've heard I2S more likely to be superior for R2R dacs as separate timing leg of I2S cable is critical in getting best performance from these dacs. The issue is your adding another compo... | |
Windows Sound Basics - ASIO WASAPI etc For those of us using extreme custom build Windows/ATX based streamers Euphony OS is a must. Euphony OS optimizes these relatively complex motherboards specifically for audio use. Audiophilestyle forum is place to go for info on using Windows base... | |
What are the best subwoofers you have heard for music. Speed, Musicality and integration The Rel's have best integration I've experienced, this vs subs using dsp. Rel's designed for high level connection, this what makes them unique. Also offer a variety of sub lines, not all listening spaces can handle same level of bass. | |
Amp Stands - Wood or Stone I've experimented with stands and footers over a number of decades, I've probably tried virtually every kind of material out there. Only you can determine which solution best for you, this is part of tuning one's system. In general the material us... | |
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship @darcman Dbb correct, no fixed volume setting. I use Roon which allows fixed volume setting for dac. I should also add the manual dual volume controls on my Coincident pre make for a bit of hassle in controlling volume so generally I set a volume ... | |
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship I had a Singxer su6 some years ago, tried I2S into 005, no contest, even with lesser usb than I presently have. Both 005 and 006 usb only way to go, optimization of usb prior to dac, regardless of how usb implemented in dac always pays off IME. ... | |
LAIV Harmony @kereru Forgot about Audio-gd, the DI-24SE very interesting, and price point very nice. | |
LAIV Harmony @kereru Sonore OpticalModule>OpticalRendu>Audioquest Diamond usb. AfterDark optical cable, OM to Teradak LPS, OR to Uptone JS-2, Mundorf silver/gold DC cables. I'm ok with usb for now, at some point I'll get around to I2S, not in any hur... |