Responses from stuartk
Confused About Relative Sonic Impact of DAC VS. Transport . . . not that I favor harsh-sounding CDs. The point is, as many undoubtedly know, R2R ladder DACs are not renowned for being overly "clinical/analytical". | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? clearthink: given that Wire World has an online store, I don't comprehend your post. | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? tweak1: Thanks for the suggestion. I scanned the Wire World website quickly and didn't see any links to a return policy. If I can't try it at home, I won't consider it. Audio Art has been my go-to cable source for many years and I've ordered their... | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? boxer12: thanks; I'm familiar with it. . . unfortunately, it doesn't include Heed. geoffkait; Hah ! I'm afraid I'm not very good at explaining what I'm hearing without resorting to cliches. Usually, the only times I step back and focus upon sonic... | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? geofkait: you left out tiddlywinks. . . and whether genuine tortoise shell, ebony or titanium 'winks yield superior sonic benefits ! I've had the Heed DT in my system for a couple days, now, and am really liking it a lot. Although the resolution ... | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? geoffkait: thanks for the explanation. So then, what does one use for shims ? | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? georgehifi5: yes, I'd agree that (even my modded) Jolida does exhibit "fuzziness". Funny-- it was Chris Templer's review of the JD 100 that inspired me to look at it in the first place. williewonka: I guess I'm in the minority re: brass. I have s... | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? williewonka, jond: thanks for the cable suggestions. Will check them out. boxer12: I haven't heard of Isoacoustic before. Presently, I've got the old style Stillpoints under the Heed. Will look into it. | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? soix: re: my system-- thanks ! It's been a slow process, as my budget is modest by audiophile standards, but I enjoy my system as much as I enjoy friends' much more costly systems. For me, it's always been more about the music. I could live just f... | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? williewonka: you specifically mentioned cables-- what would you recommend ? | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? itzhak1: yeah, that's twice my budget ! | |
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why? OK. I've learned something, here. Thanks!I'm familiar with impacts of increased transparency re: detail-- just not in terms of sound-staging. I think I'll still play around with different cables and would be interested to hear about anyone's favor... | |
Anyone Tried COS D2 DAC? mrmani--Very sorry I neglected to respond earlier. The COS was way too clinicallyresolving for my tastes-- it focused so much on the "trees" that it lost all sense of the "forest". In other words, it dissected the music into constituent parts to s... | |
Suggest Transports that can be Demo'd at home soix: I talked to Bel Canto today-- really nice people. The tech with whom I spoke uses a CD-2 himself and gave me url of company that still sells new drives ($700 w/laser) and said B.C. had plenty of other parts. Just not sure about buying a unit... | |
Suggest Transports that can be Demo'd at home garrard; you are undoubtedly correct. . . in fact; since I posted my last comments I haven't been able to stop thinking about getting a new transport! If there was an online Sim retailer that offered returns to customers residing in CA, I'd order... |