Responses from terry9
Seems like any equipment in a metal case is protected from rfi My point is that wrapping in mu-metal is not straightforward."Why wouldn't you anneal it?" Perhaps because most people don't know that they should? | |
Seems like any equipment in a metal case is protected from rfi Mu-metal tends to lose its properties after it is bent, unless it is annealed. Same with many other magnetic exotics. | |
Koetsu surprise Should mention that my KRSP has the diamond cantilever - can't imagine a much lower compliance than that. | |
Koetsu surprise Hello Karl.I bought a Trans-Fi for my modified Nottingham Analogue Mentor, with the Dais bearing, new motor, and matched power supply. Great improvement. Only with time did I realize just how good the Trans-Fi really is. Every adjustment possible,... | |
Koetsu surprise Got to hand it to the ladies - my KRSP came the same way, but for a major birthday.I use mine on a Trans-Fi air bearing tonearm, and a DIY air bearing turntable. What I like best about the Trans-Fi Terminator (don't blame me, I didn't name it) is ... | |
If bi-amping is so great, why do some high end speakers not support it? A further note. The speaker crossovers should be disconnected before the bi-amped signal is delivered. If you don't, nothing will explode, but the clean bi-amped signal will have to drive the speaker crossover, which, being made of inferior parts,... | |
Theoretical cable question Nice, clear elaboration, Al. | |
If bi-amping is so great, why do some high end speakers not support it? Any crossover requires reactive elements, i.e. caps or inductors or both. High quality caps, such as film and foil teflon or styrene, are prohibitively costly in the high values required for crossing over at the speaker. They are just affordable a... | |
Theoretical cable question I run my ESL's exactly the same way: 50 cm cables from mono blocks.Based on my experience, I suspect that over such a short distance any differences are purely theoretical and inaudible. That said, Litz wire (many small, independently insulated st... | |
Oh man, I broke my class D amp. Make fun of me. Then help. Todd, don't feel badly. Everyone has done something like that - at least, I have, and my genius friend has.I second what gs said. Look around inside and see if you can find anything that has a part of it looking dark brown or black. If not, make s... | |
HELP AFTER MY MODS, My tweeters are subdued and weak- Now that I see your schematic, I suspect that you might want to experiment with different caps for C7, C8, and C9.Since Jantzen are metalized poly, you might find a considerable improvement by going to MIT film & foil caps: RTX series (styren... | |
HELP AFTER MY MODS, My tweeters are subdued and weak- I find that every component has a sonic signature. Film and foil caps are the most neutral, with few exceptions. I find the most neutral of the sanely priced caps to be MIT Multicap styrene film and tin foil.I haven't used Jantzen caps, so I can't... | |
Audiophiles are not alone @geoffkait 1. Fourier Analysis2. From the days of Pharaohnic Egypt, it has been accepted that mathematical analysis informs the real world.3. As I mentioned before, an engineering solution has a basis in fact or theory. Something with neither is a... | |
Audiophiles are not alone @billstevenson I don’t agree, Bill. I can easily imagine a situation in which one could get more from simple instruments than complex and refined ones, at least at first acquaintance.For example, lots of people can immediately keep time with a dru... | |
Audiophiles are not alone @geoffkait You seem to have misunderstood me. My opinions are as follows.1. Shannon's Sampling Theorem (there is only one of these), is good mathematics. It cleans up the wooly thinking surrounding ideas first propounded by Nyqvist.2. Shannon's Sa... |