Responses from terry9
Speaker recommendation for married couple With 6 foot ceilings, you may have a lot of unwanted reflection from that source.I have 7 foot ceilings, and I solved the problem by putting in a lattice of 1x3's, which are 0.75 inch thick strips of wood, in 1 foot by 2 foot rectangles. In additi... | |
Small room electrostat/ planar speaker? Davide, I don't find the 63's as musical as the 57's or the 29xx. Too much top end, and a little digital, to me. As for protection for the 57's, what about a fast fuse on one side of the speaker terminals? Why not ask Prima Luna about it - they se... | |
Small room electrostat/ planar speaker? Definitely stay with planners, I say. I've owned Mag Tympani 1a's, II's, and SMG's. But I've come to prefer Quads. I've owned ESL 57's, 2805's, and 2905's. The 2905's are the best, with an octave more, top and bottom, but they are no more musical... | |
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers?? None. I use ESL's, which require a series resistor for tuning the step-up transformer. So I removed the resistor and inserted Nichrome resistance wire, of the same total resistance, between the mono blocks and the speakers.Essentially, I substitut... | |
Record Cleaning Machine Richard, let me add one final observation: The best record cleaning system is the one that you want to use. So go for it. | |
Record Cleaning Machine A good choice, I think, although I have not tried it.It's a 40KHz machine, which is inferior to an 80KHz machine, but it has a very large 200W of US power per record, which should compensate. You may find that further rinsing is unnecessary; why d... | |
Record Cleaning Machine @2channel8 (looks like the link didn't take)I feel your pain. My first record cleaning experience was similar.I agree completely with your link. Co-incidentally, my solution also comes from a friend who is a retired biochemist and record collecto... | |
Record Cleaning Machine Hello 2channel.I like to run the US machine for 15-20 minutes, then about 5 minutes to rinse the records, stack them, dry the label protectors, and set up the next pair. So 20-25 minutes, of which 5 is occupied by work. That's 5 or 6 records per h... | |
Record Cleaning Machine Hello Infection.The Elmasonic P60H is the top of the Elmasonic line: internal heater with thermostat and thermometer, timer, 37 KHz and 80 KHz operation, fractional power, degas setting, sweep setting, and pulse setting. The drain valve is top qua... | |
Record Cleaning Machine Even at $1660 you can get into ultrasound, if not all the way up.I would begin with the Vinyl Stack spinner. I use one. It is excellent. Say $300.Then a dish drying rack and rubber draining board. Say $30.Then an ultrasonic tank. Since you have $1... | |
Rushton's DIY approach to ultrasonic record cleaning published by Positive Feedback Since I posted above, my last ultraslow synchronous motor died, and so I had to replace my DIY frame. I sprung for the Vinyl Stack UltraSonic Spin Kit.Really nice quality, very fair price. Wish I'd done it sooner. | |
Best value record cleaner/cleaning system I agree that ultrasound is the best method, by far. I had a VPI machine, and tested those results against an Elmasonic US machine running at 80 KHz. No contest. The Elmasonic was far superior.To spin the records I use a spinner from Vinyl Stack: t... | |
Looking for thoughts from Nottingham Analog table owners Not hard to set up. Just make sure that you set up on a dead, non-resonant shelf, like Baltic Birch plywood, or better, panzerholst. And I would avoid the NAS arm unless they've improved adjustability a whole lot. But with the Trans-Fi air bearing... | |
Looking for thoughts from Nottingham Analog table owners I should add, the Linn Basic was a big improvement on my previous Rega. So the NAS Mentor was >> Rega. | |
Looking for thoughts from Nottingham Analog table owners Before buying NAS, I had bought a Lynn Basic, because I thought the LP12 was not sufficiently better than the Basic to justify the price. Then I heard a NA Hyperspace, and was sold.So I talked with Tom Fletcher (owner) at NA, and I ended up buying... |