Responses from terry9
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues Shocking story. If what you say is true, then the audio community should hear about it. Inexcusable behaviour. Inexcusable. | |
Need advice on what to look for in a turntable - budget $6K to $10K As to brand, I like Nottingham Analogue's Dais. For a tonearm, I like the Trans-Fi air bearing, which is probably the best buy in audio for $1000. For cartridge, I like Koetsu. | |
Need advice on what to look for in a turntable - budget $6K to $10K Very good questions, mm.What you get in the better tables is a lower noise floor and a higher level of detail retrieval. Just about anything in your price range will sound very good indeed. To optimize requires some experience, which is rather fun... | |
HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel I would say more recently than that Jea, but I may be wrong. In any case, there are too many refurbished classics floating about to give a blanket assurance. Beware the two-prong plug! | |
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers. Have the Nobel Committee (Patience Prize) been in touch yet, Ralph? | |
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers. Ralph was too modest to claim it, but he is a high level expert on tube electronics and electrostatic speakers. I would trust him implicitly.Furthermore, I have run a pair of his 'circlotron' tube amplifiers, Atma-Sphere M60's, into the ESL panels... | |
HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel Thing is that toroids like to growl while they work. Not what you want in your music room.Balanced power can be a good thing, unless the equipment manufacturer connected the neutral leg of AC to ground. With normal utility power that's not a probl... | |
HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel I like Siemens for two reasons: (1) it's German, and (2) their high duty breakers and their regular breakers have the same part number. That means, IMO, that their regular breakers are made to high duty standards (i.e. 2000 on-off cycles). My audi... | |
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines Well done, cottguy. Now that you have a working system, you can change or add a little at a time. Your strategy of research-audition-research has obviously served you well, so I suggest that you continue to use it: only buy that which makes a sign... | |
What do audiophiles want from a cable? Thanks maplegrove, I had lost that reference. | |
THE WALL---Why? dentdog, I think that 20A should be, how to say it, ample. Doesn’t hurt to over-specify, so long as the equipment doesn’t make an intrusive noise where it shouldn’t.That’s what I would do. | |
What do audiophiles want from a cable? Well wax waves, I have heard little to no improvement over fairly mundane cable technology, in my system. I use Canare Starquad microphone cable for interconnect. For speaker cable I use Goertz when I'm not using an exotic solution which only work... | |
Best Capacitors for Crossovers Technology before brand.There are two main types of quality caps: metallized, and film-and-foil. The former are cheaper, the latter better: by better, I mean smoother, more refined, more detailed.Dielectric thickness doesn't matter very much, but ... | |
What do audiophiles want from a cable? Sorry, wax, don't quite understand a few things. First, exactly what components are you connecting? Digital source --> DAC --> Integrated amp --> amp ??? Or something else?Second, how does the sound improve? What are the characteristics o... | |
THE WALL---Why? Should have said that toroids tend to growl when they are doing their job, so it's better to site them in a garage or utility room. |