

Responses from ticat

Music for 2022- Is It Just Me Or?..
+1 @dinov  That is ME to a Tee... exact same experience.  
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
This ASR (Science=Measurement=Infallible) argument reminds me somewhat of selling Audio in the late 70's, early 80's and the SPECIFICATION WARS. Customer enters the store...meet and greet... several open ended questions later... no SAE, Harman Ka... 
Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
+1 secretguy +1 tubeguy76    
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Next, there will be an argument for DSP controlled, actively powered, multi-amplifier digital HiFi console stereos... Let me out here please...  
Types of Audiophiles
Please don't make me look into the mirror...  
SUT - electrical theory and practical experience
To answer the OP's question re: what does the SUT do to the sound quality... For what it's worth,I have several phono stages and several active step up devices/ SUTs and generally, the SUTs are quieter and more open (when properly matched etc...)... 
Open Baffle Experience
Just a comment on the arguements and divergent opinions re: Box vs OB Almost Nothing Good comes without a Struggle... OK, continue your jousting...  
Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?
HA... So many great replies... too many to single out.    
Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless
OMG people... Stop Feeding the Trolls!  
Get out and listen!
+1 musicfan2349 Live listening is just awesome....  
PSA: Short Unused Speakers and Subs in the Listening Room
+1 millercarbon Welcome Back....  
Room correction room system vs ears….
Physical Room Treatments +1 Electronic Room Correction is a band-aid. It just covers up the problems and is Not a Permanent Solution.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I have been playing more CD's than usual lately because there are so many great deals on them now-a-days... but still like vinyl better and remain ardently Vinyl-centric...Hmmmmm, anyway... Last Night:  Pink Floyd - Animals Philip Glass - Akhena... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Last Night: Gentle Giant- Octopus  La La Land - Soundtrack  Lamb - What Sound  Michael Mantler - The Hapless Child Keith LeBlanc - Stranger than Fiction Porcupine Tree - Signify    
5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.
@jerryg123 Thanks for sharing... I find it interesting, the wide variety of responses, from instant venomous outrage to disinterest,  to total agreement. Some people are easily offended, some don't care what others have to say and some will find...