
Responses from toddcowles

Upgrade from Ayre QB9 DAC
Have you considered a PS Audio Direct Stream or Direct Stream Junior?I own the Ayre QB9 DSD and a DSJ.  I use the Ayre QB9 as my dedicated headphone DAC.  I have A/B’ed them, DSJ was more revealing in the midrange and upper frequencies.  Little bi... 
Planning out a PS-Audio Stack, seeking advice balance of hardware vs dollars avalible
For what it’s worth:I’ve ran the BHK pre, it sounded great, the only drawback, for me, was there are no tone controls.  Some music was a little too sharp/sensitive on the higher frequencies, the inability to make slight adjustments made it a no go... 
Tube Pre-Amp, vs Solid State with Tone Controls/EQ to take edge off the top end?
@almarg for the win!  I was reading through this post, thinking a DEQX would solve this.  I too faced the same issues with “awkward” high end frequencies, too bright, but not consistent.  I say “awkward,” because the high end wasn’t consistent on ... 
Subwoofer recommendation for Dynaudio Confidence C4
I own a set of C4 signatures and use a REL R-528.  It’s quite sufficient.  If you do end up using 2 subs, you may face some challenges with getting them phased and integrated properly, key word being “may.”  I use a DEQX to get the alignment for t... 
Next Gen replacement for McIntosh C2600 pre-amp
Others will likely chime in, but that chassis has been out for a few years.  I had a C2300, same chassis as C2600, and I bought that new about 4 years ago.  The C2600 has updates to support DSD and had new tube circuitry.  If I had to guess, the c... 
Moving to smaller room...
Thank you yogiboy.  But, I'm trading in the Dyn's and those are the only two versions of Harbeth's they have. 
VooDoo Cables
I don't fully subscribe to the "cables make a difference scenario," but have splurged on expensive cables despite that.  In system to system comparisons, with cable x vs y, it's very difficult to validate any improvement, other than your ears.  In... 
DEQX Final Config and impressions...
@ozzy contact him 
DEQX Final Config and impressions...
@ozzy I don’t believe he’d have a problem with it being posted, but I sent him a text to verify. 
DEQX Final Config and impressions...
@ozzy Hi Ozzy, Larry is an independent consultant and is outside of the support provided by DEQX.  Used or new, he can help you configure it properly. 
VooDoo Cables
@gwng8 I swapped out much more expensive shunyata’s with the VooDoo cables, couldn’t notice a difference. 
DAC's....Ayre versus PS Audio
I own the QB-9 DSD and a Direct Steam Junior.  Though the Junior isn’t the full fledged DS, it’s pretty darn close.  I also have the Pass XP-20.  It’s a really tough comparison.  I did A/B them, for quite a bit and ended up putting the Ayre in my ... 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
I’ve owned both, tube preamp, SS amp, SS preamp, hybrid amp.  I won’t overextend myself and state tubes sound better.  I’ve purchased pricey NOS tubes and less expensive Gold Lions.  In the end, I always found myself looking past if it’s tube or S... 
McIntosh C2500 to Pass Labs XP-20 Comparison
@david_ten I do.  I didn’t realize in many of Otis Redding’s mono recordings his vocals were panned way to the left.  I’ve listened to them previously, but the chorus would eat up a lot of the soundstage; which colored the vocal pan.  With the Pas... 
McIntosh C2500 to Pass Labs XP-20 Comparison
@jafant Gratzi.  My hope is they remaster ...AJFA for this years box release.  They released MoP last Christmas, I'm praying heavily it happens.  Though, I've read in various articles that it's not likely, due to the original analog tape being spl...