Responses from tomic601
Vandersteen And Theils Jim's anyway are -/$&@! Fine speakers | |
Vandersteen JafantAs you should at 4 x the price of ordinary 2'sAnd as you are very well aware, Jim T ( RIP ) is a designer prehaps the designer most aligned with Richard on basic design parameters and philosophy... | |
Vandersteen the comments about value are absurd. Richard is hyper frugal and nothing absolutely nothing makes it into a speaker without adding value.The 3A sig use same tweeter and mid as the vaunted 5aTyler while sourcing direct to consumer use Scanspeak dr... | |
Vandersteeen 2wq (or any sub) in small room download is free..spend $40 on a Radio Shack analog spl meter and see what your Two's are doing in the room today....then try to optimize placementthen go on a hunt for Vandy subwoofers or just bit bullet on a pair of Quatros....t... | |
Vandersteen having owned 3A Sig for a decade before moving to 5 A and now 7 Mk2 I will say there are a couple of critical things to get right about the Model 3 in general.First it sounds like you did not buy them thru a dealer - make sure they are not broken ... | |
Killer Floor Standing Speakers under $4000 for Rock? chasing our tails to get THE sound for rock is somewhat crazy given the many studios, etc..So yes we have some agreement.I am with Jafant, I happen to prefer Vandersteens driven by a tube front end and a solid state amp.I hope the OP gets where he... | |
Killer Floor Standing Speakers under $4000 for Rock? repectfully. disagreemonitors do matter at every step in the chainthey vary widelya ton of classic rock was recorded and mastered with big JBL's with a host of strengths and known issues. The West coast sound is not a myth. | |
Treble panel for Quad 57 electostatic loudspeaker that is really cool !grace and blessings on you ! | |
Killer Floor Standing Speakers under $4000 for Rock? Atmasphere..i do not nessesarily agree....first we have the problem of what it was mixed and mastered to sound IF the studio is using NS1000 as the be all end all monitor well...the reults are going to vary...or a big JBL with a 8" or l... | |
Killer Floor Standing Speakers under $4000 for Rock? spring for hearing protection.. | |
Best reasonably priced interface with Bluesound Vault 2 i have a u-serve and a Powernode. The Bluesound tablet interface is terrible compared to nserve. But if you must I suggest getting another ipad. | |
Help, My Vandies Sizzle which NAD do you have ?a thought...sell the Krell and trade the old Vandys in on the best new pair of 2 'sRichard is a tireless continuous improvement freak ! I heard a pair of his latest 2 signature at Stereo Unlimited in San Diego and was shocke... | |
Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ? Bentley Neptune ! coolplease send me a picture when you get them !Jimps check out new 2L recording of the Norweigan Hymnal... fantastic on the 7.. totally seemless driver integration from low low organ notes to mass choral voices.....Grammy nominated | |
Naim Unitiserve or Antipodes DS? NAIM factory support is terribledealer and Canada distributor stellar...would I buy againprobably not | |
Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ? the ref250se are amazing with 7I borrowed a Ref75se when my Ayre was getting the Twenty upgrade and the sound was clarify my comments new build 7 not available.sounds like Randy at Optimal is going to have the most similar system for... |