

Discussions tommypenngotti has started

One Channel Down in Preamp Help12616
Allnic 1201 replacement tubes? 255818
Purple Heart = Purple Rain? 337415
Ortofon stylus broke ?! 26748
Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7 - different grades? 1194517
Manley Snapper Triode Switch/600 ohm switchable? 20566
Behringer DEQ2496 to Amp ..best connection? 15470
EQ Thats affordable255114
Streaming High Res On My Lyngdorf ?!?15270
Ortofon Quintet Black vs 2M Black? 142526
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9? 838656
Manley Chinook or Any comparable Preamp?704924
Lyngdorf TDAI 2170?? 70114
Correct Way to Connect an EQ in my Hifi System ? 453022
How much is too much humming / buzzing? (Marantz Amp) 23162