
Responses from tomryan

SACD - Dying already?
Vinyl and turntables have "cache". SACD doesn't and unless it shows up in dozens of movies and TV shows (portrayed as something cooly retro) it never will. I borrowed an $800.00 Sony SACD multidisc player over the weekend. Sounded thin with unnatu... 
What Amp for ProAc Response 3's?
Stop the techno mythology. The people at Audio Research, Conrad-Johnson, BAT, Cary, Air Tight, MacIntosh, VTL, Manley, Unison, Quad, etc. etc. etc. are not crazy or music idiots. Properly designed tube amps make great music and so can ProAcs. Put ... 
SACD - Dying already?
$2,800.00 transport, $1,300.00 for DAC. Also use a $500.00 Marantz SE multidisc as transport which sounds 90% of CEC trans. I understand your point but since I've already got these things, and they sound terrific, I have no intention of starting o... 
SACD - Dying already?
"I socialize where the action is..." Sorry, but I don't visit so maybe I am missing the real action. Hey, is Amazon making any moeny yet? I mean on music? Last I heard (a couple years ago) they had closed a number of warehouse... 
SACD - Dying already?
I think Sony came up with SACD to get back money lost when CD royalties ended 2-3 years ago. There is also a concept in business which says "keep the pot boiling" which means keep talk, action, stuff going on - it will spark interest and keep cust... 
Best in depth of soundstaging and ease for 2k?
ProAc Response 2s is a very good "classical music" speaker and pretty easy to drive. As Subaruguru said, proper set up is too important to overemphasize. The ProAcs sold for $3,500.00 new, you should be able to get them for about 1/2 used. Still w... 
TV's... what does the typical audiophile have?
A Sony 32" Vega (Wega? - who knows?). Nice flat screen, good picture and I can't wait for the new season of Simple Life tonight? That's what TV is for!! 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
Damn! "Wooly Bully" was the big hit! Still a great party song. 
Maggie's and cats
Scat Mats don't work. As soon as the mat is moved, the cats come right back. They will even jump over the mat to get somewhere else and we had a little bugger who learned to push the mat out the way. Despite what some may say, cats are not dumb an... 
Emperical Audio Mods for Parasound Halo JC-1'S
Geez...not another sales pitch from rcrumb, I mean rcrump!You know, we saw "The Stepford Wives" Saturday night and I noticed that Nicole Kidman, as good looking as she is, is no where near 'state of the art'. Definitely needs to 'pop' for the big ... 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
Yes, Mac Davis was in "North Dallas Forty".Jerry and the Pacemakers also had "Don't Let the Sun Catch Crying".Sam the Sham and the Pharohs also had "The Jolly Green Giant" but it wasn't a real big hit. Din't Love also have a hit with the song "Tal... 
Eric Clapton covers Robert Johnson
Humid in Hawaii? Been there four times, never found it humid. Maybe you're thinking of the Caribbean.I also never cared for ECs work after Derek and the Dominos. Sonewhat passionless and mundane compared to Cream. 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
...and we must! The Rationals - "Respect"Hey! Anybody remember any song titles from Mac Davis? 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
"Heart feelin' sad's gone bad" What an absolutely great song! The Underdogs actually had another "hit" with "The Man in the Glass" and I saw them perform a few times back in the day. They were a local band here in the Detroit area and p... 
need comments on my system
I agree with the amp comments based on a couple Counterpoints I heard a number of years ago. Those MLs are tough to tame and I think VTLs would be a good way to go. However, you also may want to check into a passive "pre-amp" just for fun - to see...