Responses from tomryan
No one cares this is the anniversary? Amen, Albertporter. I used to think (back in my hippie days) that we were bad creatures, now know we are just creatures. Actually, I think I would die of a heart attack if waking up to find myself president. What an unimaginable responsibility.By ... | |
Trelja- announcement and disclaimer Keep us posted about what's coming out and let us know how to get a listen! | |
No one cares this is the anniversary? "Man is the worst of the animals"? As a 33 year vegatarian (and one who believes that if any human has a soul, then animals do, too) I find that more than a bit odd and dripping with self loathing. We live surrounded by 15 acres of treed ravine wi... | |
Best Line Stage Preamp? I know I'm not "an other" but here goes - I have a small (11 x 13.5 x 8.5) room although it's plaster with a cove ceiling and heavily braced floor. I get tremendous dynamics from the Placette and have tried it against 4-5 high rated expensive to v... | |
Best Line Stage Preamp? Naderson makes a very good point about transparency. I got hooked on passives when someone loaned me a Creek OBH12 and it made music more real than my current pre-amp at that time, a $2,000.00 tube type. That was at least 6 years ago and I have tr... | |
No one cares this is the anniversary? The pre-Islmaic government of Iran was brutal toward disenters and anti-government activists. The post (and current) Islamic government is the same, most likely even more so, but has the added benefit of spreading their vision of revolution around... | |
Best Line Stage Preamp? If you want to actually hear what your amp can do, get the Placette passive. Clearly (no pun intended) the most transparent "pre-amp" I've ever heard. I own one by the way, and it replaced an $8,200.00 pre based on sound and music making ability. ... | |
No one cares this is the anniversary? And since the Soviets murdered tens of millions of people throughout their empire, our people had the right idea. Remember, it was Roosevelt who decided this would become a war to the bitter end resulting in the deaths of millions and a conquered ... | |
No one cares this is the anniversary? Life Margazine article (1946): We may have won the war but we are losing the peace in Germany. The German people, who at first regarded us with acceptance, are now downright hostile and hate filled. Some of our soldiers have behaved atrociously to... | |
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder One of the best songs of all time: "Billy, Don't Be a Hero"Anyone remember who made it? Oh yeah, also: "They're Coming to Take Me Away" by Napoleon the 5thAnd "Yellow River" by The ChristiesI think to qualify for this thread the band has to have N... | |
Any Problems with Conrad Johnson Premier 140? Nothing like a powerful tube amp? Can you say tube glare? Design has to be done very well in order to avoid this, especially in pentode verisions. Haven't heard the 140 but I've been leary of powerful tube amps since my close experience with a lar... | |
CD Changer? Tfkaudio is right on the money. Time for prejudices against CD changers to end. I tried a very pricey single disc transport (been about 4-5 years but I'm pretty sure it was a CEC) and could not find a meaningful difference between it and the Sony ... | |
Placette RVC review in Stereophile Guy,Nice to hear from the "source". I have two components in my system that won't be changing anytime soon - Air Tight 300B amp and Placette passive volume control. It is so good that when I ordered and did the 30 day home trial, I knew it'd be st... | |
CD Changer? Killerpiglet has made the most meaningful comment yet..."Listen to the music, not the sound." The only criterium you need for a stereo is how much it makes you want to listen to music. Oh yeah, another one - how much more time and money do you now... | |
What are your favorite monitors? Hey! I hear good things about the GMA Europa!! |