Responses from toronto416
Luxman L505u . . . why not? Chashas1 - which recent issue of Stereophile (and what page) mentions the 505u?Thanks,Mark | |
B&W 800 D or 801 D? I was considering the 802d until I auditioned the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation - the Parsifals simply took my breath away. They were so much more musically engaging than the 802d, which in turn seemed more cold and clinical - accurate and as oppo... | |
driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations? Thanks for the input. The M800a would be ideal, but trying to explain this to the family budget committee is far more difficult than justifying the purchase of an integrated amp. Integrateds have a much higher WAF. I am not sure that I would buy a... | |
CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric? Thanks Mordante, this is exactly the combination that I am considering, and the reason for this thread given that I have never even seen a Luxman cdp. I have seen and listened to one of their integrated amps, and if they build cdps the same way, t... | |
Magico V2 vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M In the 20K range there is the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation, and at half that price the Verity Audio Rienzi. They both work well with Luxman integrateds (509u or 590Aii). I really liked the Cremona M until I heard the Parsifals - they simply took ... | |
CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric? Thanks Andrew.Though I cannot yet audition them, I am leaning towards either the DU-80 or the newer D-06 (which the local dealer will shortly have on demo). The DU-80 has certainly received some rave reviews, especially for its fluid musicality an... | |
Pure Class A shootout Consider the 60 wpc pure class A Luxman M800A - 60 wpc into 8 Ohms, 120 wpc into 4 Ohms and 240 wpc into 2 Ohms.The 30 wpc Luxman 590Aii integrated amp is also highly regarded.Regards,Mark | |
driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations? Thanks Steven. I think that your tube amp is at a much higher quality level than mine, so hopefully it will not be damaged when a tube burns out. Tubes are wonderful when all goes well (which can be years at a stretch).As I mentioned earlier, I ha... | |
Luxman L505u . . . why not? Many thanks for the update Jimbo!Congratulations on setting-up the 805s - enjoy!Regards,Mark | |
driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations? Thanks for the suggestions. I have a Sonic Frontiers 50 wpc tube amp, and though I love some aspects of the tube experience, I will not miss tubes burning out or blowing-up and taking out parts of the circuit with it. In my 17 year old relationshi... | |
Luxman L505u . . . why not? Many thanks Jim! I would love to know how the new Luxman cdps (especially the D-06 & D-05) are regarded in Japan.I have seen and listened to one of their integrated amps, and they are a work of art, both physically and sonically.Regards,Mark | |
driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations? The M800A weighs 107 lbs, in keeping with its large power reserves. The insides look like a work of art! You must be very happy with yours!The lower powered (30 wpc) M600A weighs 58 lbs, and the 30 wpc L-590Aii integrated weighs 66 lbs. These two ... | |
equating class A to class AB SS amps? Yes, I plan to buy new. My Kind of Music, near Heath & Spadina in Toronto is a real treasure trove... carries Luxman and Verity Audio, along with many other lines.Regards,Mark | |
driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations? Thanks.The Luxman 509u puts out 120 wpc at 8 Ohms, doubling to 240 wpc at 4 Ohms. The Parsifals are relatively sensitive (89), are rated as 8 Ohm speakers with a minimum impedance of 4 Ohms, so the Luxman amp should be a good match.I am less sure ... | |
equating class A to class AB SS amps? Many thanks for all the helpful replies! Now I am less confused.The speakers that I am considering are the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations, driven by either a Luxman 590Aii or a 509u. Both Luxman integrateds are heavy beasts with large transformers... |