
Responses from trelja

Richard Green room tune?
Herman, it's funny, but now I also CANNOT find the DIY Room Tunes information on the Jon Risch site. Although, I can still find other sites discussing his creation.Anyway, the material of choice for the fabric he found to be burlap. Just about eve... 
Richard Green room tune?
Herman, thank you for your input!As you stated, the journey can be more fun than the destination. I have read up on the subject extensively, and Jon Risch's website was the most informative, as it normally is, regarding the DIY Room Tunes. He goes... 
KT88 single ended amp recommendations please
I have listened to the Hyperion KT88 SET amps.To put it succintly, I simply loved these amplifiers with their speakers. Though, many prefer their solid state amps, in my opinion, the SET KT88 are easily my choice. Outside of the latter obviously b... 
Richard Green room tune?
Well, I hope the Michael Green Room Tunes are effective.As things stand, I have been fighting the same brightness discussed above. It's my belief that many of us are in the same boat. I've now spent several years trying many iterations of power am... 
Do you get Ringing in the Ears from your hi-fi?
Does Shawn Colvin's "Sunny Came Home" qualify as a happy song or an angry one??? 
What CD players have volume control
The Granite 657 has volume control on it's tube output. The solid state output is fixed, however. But, you do get the flexibility of being able to go with the sonics of either.Also, variable attenuators the likes of which from Scott Endler (which ... 
Can metal chassis become defective? I
Russ, they told me, "Let's see, you want us to run 1.25 miles of new utility line to your house?!? For your radio... Oh, sorry, your stereo. Uh, sure, we'll get right on it!" I'm glad you chimed in here, as I would have never thought of telling th... 
Can metal chassis become defective? I
Actually, I believe in Mint604's theory.I have often suggested to people that their system problems were not audio component related, but that the wiring in their homes was in need of replacement. After a long period of time, the electrons flowing... 
Am I missing something?
Darn, Brainwater, I was hoping that my next upgrade, the walrus uterus, was going to be the ticket to finally get my system over the hump. You sure know how to rain on a guy's parade.Oh well, back to the drawing board. Hey, there's always that jar... 
Attention to anyone on Texas Gulf Coast
Dragan, your old pal here certainly hopes that you and your family survived unscathed the horrors which Katrina brought. And, if you need any place to rest up a bit, so long as you don't mind the cold weather on the horizon, you are certainly welc... 
EL 34 vs. KT 88 ---- What's the difference?
Mjpflieger, the Jolida 302A/B is set up for the EL34 only. It cannot use the larger 6550/KT88/KT90 tubes in stock form. Conversely, the Jolida 502 cannot run the EL34/6CA7 as things are. However, modification can be done to either so that they can... 
EL 34 vs. KT 88 ---- What's the difference?
I think Biomimetic makes a most excellent point regarding the comparison in saying, "the overall power curve is flatter with KT88's than EL34's." However, perhaps I am wrong, but I thought the Manley Stingray ran the EL84 tube, which is a whole 'n... 
Suddenly, things are sounding awful...
Lousyreeds, this is also a similar situation to what I face. A smaller room, with not a lot of absorption, and a lot of hard surfaces.We'll presume you were able to site the system as it was prevesiously, in the happier times...Your speakers look ... 
DIY WATT crossover network?
You could try Eldragon. He DIY'd a pair of Wilson's a couple of years back... 
Music and its associations
This is a most unique and special thread, Howard. Thank you!I think we all have songs burned into our selves regarding milestone events in our lives. Off the top of my head, my own list...Miscellaneous Oldies. Age: 6. In 1975, South Philadelphia w...