
Responses from trelja

New Sony NS999ES is in.
Ah, you see Ben, I knew you were a great guy.I'm in Philadelphia, and I know you are in England. By any chance, are you near London? If so, we could simulcast, just like we did in LiveAid back in 1984. Of course, JFK Stadium is no longer here, but... 
New Sony NS999ES is in.
Ah, peace in the holiday season is a wonderful thing...Merry Christmas, Ben and everyone else here at Audiogon!My best,Joe 
New Sony NS999ES is in.
Ben_Campbell, you are the SACD Scrooge in this Christmas season.You are quite sensitive when the topic of SACD is brought up. To the point where quite a high percentage of your opinions rendered here on Audiogon have to do with SACD. I for one, fe... 
New Sony NS999ES is in.
Give it some time, Loontoon...I have often been very much disappointed in new digital players, only to have myself really take to them after a few days(assuming you are playing it all the time). The first 100 hours often shows tremendous change.SA... 
A personal challenge
Congratulations Jeff and Twl!!!It's a great move you made in your lives. Smoking does so much harm to the body, I think we really underestimate it. Keep strong, it must be a difficult habit to walk away from. Remember, we are all here to support y... 
A Tribute to Peter Walker
Great story, Quadophile. A lot of passion, conviction, and dedication resonated deeply. Although a lot of folks will eulogize the esteemed Peter Walker, yours carries special meaning.God bless you Mr. Walker. The hifi world will not be as good wit... 
Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS
In my Blue Circle preamp, I tried a few different tubes. The Sovteks seemed kind of rich, but lacked resolution and sounded a bit fuzzy. The Philips JAN tubes had good clarity, but lacked warmth.I wanted a bit more warmth and richness, so I was to... 
JM Labs Beryllium
I agree with the comments that anyone interested in the improvements of the new JMlabs line compared to the old should DEFINITELY go and audition them for themselves.As far as Berylium goes, its effects are far more devastating than silicosis. Be ... 
Analog a dying breed
Vinyl releases, in addition to outselling these formats in volume, outnumber SACD and DVD-A.While dealers sometimes are right, I feel that this one is not. The growth in vinyl is largest in those under 21, especially in Europe and Japan. 
Essay bashing Primedia, Stereophile - and Audiogon
If a reorganization of high end audio is taking place, is that a bad thing???First of all, there are too many high priced brands these days. There may be too many brands in general. For all of these companies, the number of customers available is ... 
CDP Help Rotel 1070, Sony 333 or Music Hall CD 25
As a CD player, in general, the Music Hall is superior. I really can't think of any area Sony is superior - aside from bass.The imaging of the Music Hall seems fine. Of course, my reference is probably thrown off kilter by the fact that I am using... 
CDP Help Rotel 1070, Sony 333 or Music Hall CD 25
Owning both the Sony SCD-C333ES and the Music Hall MMF-25, I can definitely say that for CD playback, the Music Hall is superior to the Sony.Not that the Sony is bad. To the contrary, it is quite different than I expected. Instead of being harsh, ... 
HELP Pin stuck in the female RCA connector
Thanks to all for the suggestions!Mfkeleher, this was one of the techniques I tried, after trying to fish it out. Unfortunately, the back end is sealed shut.Brf, this was something I was thinking about. Although, I wonder if it would work? I am su... 
The Thor TPA 150 Monoblocks are incredible
I agree with Ohhwy61! Many who come in contact with Thor will come away impressed.On several occasions, I have come across Thor equipment, and have been absolutely smitten. A warm, very rich sound. Of course, it does not come cheap, but there are ... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Kkursula, it seems you got what I was trying to say.It's quite difficult for an audio system to recreate the sound of a drum being pounded. As I previously talked about the inadequacies of OTL amps in getting the job done in comparison to transfor...