Responses from trelja
Are Homegrown Interconnects shielded?? Hello Sdcampbell. How have you been? What are your impressions of the Silver Lace? I am using this cable between my CD player and my integrated amp currently. I originally installed it between my tuner and int amp. Just to give it a 10 day continu... | |
Freak Me Out Miles Davis "Bitches Brew". I have a lot of CDs, and this one usually freaks people out more than anything else I have ever been around. Definitely weird, and exciting to many(too weird to some). | |
Has anyone heard Dynaco tube CD player Hello Artemus5. To check out information on this player on the web, please go to Audio Advisor's website( They also offer a very easy return policy, and a $50 discount. Offering the player for $399, as opposed to the $450 lis... | |
Crossover upgrade-what benefit? You did not mention what brands are currently in the speakers now. The type of sound, equipment, and music that you prefer is critical in making recommendations. One thing I can recommend to you... Immediately replace your resistor with a 10 watt ... | |
What equipment do you really like? A big plus for equipment in my eyes is stuff that delivers excellent sound, for not a lot of money. There seems to be more of it around than we often realize. Audio Electronic Supply, AudioQuest(I have no experience with the new line), Axon, Bryst... | |
Hum from Florescent light Thanks to all for the suggestions. I can see there are lots of people on this site smarter than I. Some of my interconnects have no shielding, so I cannot vary that. But, I did try reversing them. I have many interconnects, and have found the prob... | |
Fast Amplifier Everyone has offered valid points. Perhaps the only thing I can add are some real world examples. In my experience(especially within a manufacturer's line), the smaller, less expensive amps are faster. The bigger ones are stronger. If you have dem... | |
High on Thier List, But Low on Yours Good points Retroguy. I recognize the validity of all you say. Just that the power treatment devices I have been around all seemed to take something away from the system. And we audiophiles certainly go out of our way to put that stuff in their. H... | |
Favorite Designer In my opinion Joe D'Appolito has much more in common with Brulee than does Trelja. To quote a famous British phrase, "Do good by stealth, and blush when the fact be known." Perfect description of both Joe D and Brulee to me. | |
Has anyone heard Dynaco tube CD player I have heard the Pro version with HDCD. J&R Music World discounted them for the longest time. Up until early 2000. I thought the player was nice. Not the best, but nice. You should also consider the Jolida 603. I find it to be also a good tube... | |
Hum from Florescent light Gmkowal(or anyone else...) do you know of any other fixes for this problem. I have recently gotten some new equipment(interconnect/power cords/CD player), and encountered the problem. No flourescent lights. Just the interconnects picking up the 60... | |
Favorite Designer I have to submit a vote for Joe D'Appolito. EVERYONE uses his design. From Dynaudio to Coincident to Hales to Wilson. Yet, basically the only thing he gets out of it are those magic words of advertising "D'Appolito configuration". He is a tireless... | |
Internal Speaker Wiring ?? A good source for very nice copper wire is Axon. Their products are distributed by OrcaDesign. Parent company is JMlabs. They also handle Focal drivers, Solen/SCR caps, and all types of accessories. The wire is the softest copper available, althou... | |
High on Thier List, But Low on Yours Wow, what a compliment Retroguy. Thank you. Nice to know we have parallel tastes in some areas. I would also be interested in hearing your list of equipment you're high on. | |
Levinson in Lexus How much does it cost? I know the answer, "If you have to ask...". But since I will not be buying a Lexus anyway, I am curious. I went to hear the Subaru Outback, using the McIntosh stereo, but they did not have any in stock. Just the LL Bean Edit... |