
Responses from trelja

Bass Cable-Copper or Silver?
I agree with Sam, the cable guru. I would go with AudioQuest Midnight personally. It is a large gauge cable, which can be purchased at a good price(used). It is AudioQuest's largest copper cable, which is what is desired in a cable used for bass r... 
Are Carver amps worth a damn?
I think your amps are on par with the rest of your system. It seems to be a nice budget system. To move up, you will need to replace each piece, one by one, until you have a system of the next(or higher) level. Carver amps are OK, not great, but s... 
Best of value-based systems
I am a big proponent of buying used. You can usually get equipment that originally cost twice as much as you are paying. That is enough to push someone from a new Adcom to a used YBA. The differences are not minor. Products that would let us put t... 
Opinions on Bedini amps
I used to have a friend who had the Bedini 25/25. I always thought it sounded wonderful, and I would even use the word great. I had a chance to buy one REAL cheap back around 1988. I didn't, but have always regretted it. All this being said, if I ... 
Used speakers
Tish, I know I am going to get absolutely roasted for these comments but here I go... Your nephew has been given a very special gift in your Hafler products. But, he is also 16. As you implied, to him sound quality(most probably) is almost certain... 
DIY Power Cord
Although I am very enamored with Kevin from Muse, I have to say that we should not be gunshy. Yes, there is an inherent danger involved in constructing a powercord(like many things in life). Certainly, you should know what your doing(also, like an... 
Coincident users.Share your impressions.
Hello, Tml2. Are you referring to their speakers or cables? 
Need a good tuner and there aren't many?
Tuners are the one component that I think it is great to by an older piece. It seems that tuners from the mid 60's to 70's were exemplary. My old Sansui has not been beaten yet by the new tuners that I have tried over the years(never tried any of ... 
Silver cables - Great price!!
I have some comments regarding the super thin conductor cables that were all the rage a week or so ago. Previously, I commented that my limited experience with these products produced very poor bass. I checked out Silver Audio's website(who make K... 
Best intergrated amp. for US$800
Anything from Acurus, AMC,Anthem, Audio Refinement, Denon, Jolida, Linn, Musical Fidelity, NAD, Onkyo, etc. They may be new or used. But, there is really no big deal here, it will be easy for you. Have faith, and Good Luck. 
Who R U?
Well, I guess I'm up. I am a 31 year old programmer/analyst. This is my first year of doing this. Previously, I spent 8 years as a chemist/materials scientist, working in the electronics industry. I was born and raised in the Philadelphia, PA area... 
Biwire to Single???
How about running a pair of silver jumpers from the HF terminal to the LF terminal? You can buy 2 feet of 10 gauge, or 3 feet of 12 gauge wire for $8.95, from a jewelry supply house. You would only need a few inches in total. You could even buy te... 
Cary 303 CD - Very Detailed - Fixes?
I agree with Gthirteen. 
Best Integrated amp 'around' $1000???
I would like to second the votes for the Audio Refinement and Linn Majik(Eldragon ALWAYS knows what he's talking about). I would also throw a few more in. On the solid state side, the Musical Fidelity A3(you could also look for one of the int. amp... 
Biwire questions - Best cable for
Speaker designers are as divergent in philosophy as any in audio. Bi - wire versus not, 1st order crossovers vs 4th order(and even simple vs complex within those), inert cabinets vs reactive(this will be coming to the forefront), many drivers vs f...