
Responses from trelja

Integrated amp decision, oh the headache
NAD, or a (new or used) Musical Fidelity. Also try Creek. And PLEASE go and listen to a used Jolida. When you hear the magic of tubes. You may not have to upgrade for a LONG time. 
Best Full Range Speakers @ Around $2000?
Deborah, I highly recommend speakers from Coincident, Meadowlark, Vandersteen, and Paradigm for this system. I think you should consider easy to drive speakers, as you are using an itegrated amplifier in a good sized room. All of these companies p... 
Delta Labs Silver Source Power Cables
7671, I didn't buy directly from Delta Labs. The auction was through an individual. Different from picture, but still beautiful. And, like I said, sound to die for. Anyone considering a Silver Source has my recommendation. 
Integrated amps for Sonus Concertino
Electrocompaniet is very good. I have heard it a lot with other speakers. Beautiful sound. Many people who use Jadis integrated use Sonus Faber speakers(and vice-versa). It is considered a match made in heaven. 
Most Honest Audio Magazine?
I agree with everyone so far. The biggest problem I have with Stereophile is Jonathan Scull. Can't this guy ever review anything that isn't 10X more expensive than what the rest of us use? The one exception was the power conditioner he reviewed. I... 
Why so many Vandersteens for sale?
As above. They're very good, and very reasonable. If you're thinking about them, go for it! 
Delta Labs Silver Source Power Cables
I bought one on auction, at a great price. I figured for the price, I'd try it. Did not look like the picture on the web. Instead it was braided, rather than having a cover on the outside. Insulation was clear teflon, silver wire being visible. St... 
Analysis Plus Speaker cables
Sam, you're very knowledgeable about wire. What are your sonic and overall impressions of AP products? Thanks for your consideration! 
Audio Source amps? Crappy?
For electronics: Denon, Onkyo, Adcom, Parasound, Creek, B&K, NAD, Musical Fidelity, Jolida. Speakers: B&W, PSB, Paradigm, Mission, Triangle. Wire: Audioquest, Kimber, StraightWire, MIT. These will all put you in a good budget system. Most ... 
PRE/AMP Combo or Integrated?
Did you consider a tube intergrated? Some people prefer the sound. New would be the Jolida. Best used for a little more than $1500 would be a Jadis Orchestra. If you want solid state, there is Musical Fidelity and Audio Refiniement(new), or the Kr... 
The Rogue is an amazing amp for $1500. My vote for the best at that price. Jolida has the advantage of being integrated, but it is a different sound. Jolida is more classic tube. Rogue fits in more with the young lions of tube. It bolsters the ass... 
Thoughts on Kacz's ac cord
Carl, I can more than empathize with your lack of time. I often wish I'd win the lottery(I don't play), just so I can dedicate myself to full time stereo fun. My next move is an interconnect shootout for my Jadis amp. Then speaker cable. I'll move... 
Biwire Spk. Cable & Inter. Advice
I've used Vandersteen speakers(1/2/3) quite a bit in the past. I always found MIT cables to be one of the poorer matches you could find. Their products, while great in many cases, do not EVER allow the Vandersteens to open up and sing. Tara and AQ... 
The Best Audio Dealer
In Philadelphia, and within this region, the best is John Adams, of Community Audio. He is the owner, and doesn't have more than 1 or 2 people with him. He carries brands that are not found in the other area stores. He is great with discounts, aud... 
Better Electronics or New Cables???
It all depends where you're starting from. If you have Adcom stuff, buy new electronics. If you own a(for example) Jeff Rowland Design Group amp, obviously $1K will not buy you anything better.