Responses from trelja
Best speakers for 2500....thump included I'd like to second the responses of many of the above. EXCELLENT speakers can be had for under $2500, including thump. Off the top of my head: Acoustic Research, B & W, Coincident, Definitive Technology, Hales, Mission, NHT, Paradigm, PSB, Rev... | |
Best speakers for 2500....thump included I'd like to second the responses of many of the above. EXCELLENT speakers can be had for under $2500, including thump. Off the top of my head: Acoustic Research, B & W, Coincident, Definitive Technology, Hales, Mission, NHT, Paradigm, PSB, Rev... | |
Hard to Find I believe that Dynaco is out of that business. Above post is correct about J & R, they were selling them real cheap, as recently as last fall. As I bought a fax machine from them a few years ago, I am on their mailing list. And I haven't seen ... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference: comments One more opinion(sorry!)... While I originally preferred a separate pre/power amp combination, since living with this amp I have come to see a few advantages of a great integrated: One chassis, which saves cost(dramatically) as well as space. No p... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference: comments I am the proud owner of this product. I auditioned EVERYTHING out there before laying down my money. The following is just one man's opinion... I came to the conclusion that a tube amp(in the right setup) sounded more real to me than any solid sta... | |
The BEST system you've ever built !!!! I think we all should not look at this as a competition. Like Albert said, money is not the determining factor. To me, it's the way a person puts a system together, synergy. Some people can do it right the first time, some people even get it wrong... | |
Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier? Thanks Tmhaudio. Sorry, I did visit Kochel before. But, in going there just now, I realize it was NOT the horn company I was thinking of. Still, I am know Kochel are top drawer in anyone's eyes(or ears). By the way, Edgarhorn makes a $1800 horn, b... | |
The BEST system you've ever built !!!! Some awesome systems out there guys!!! I wish I won the lottery so I could buy whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. My current system. Jadis Orchestra Reference integrated amp, crappy CD player(too embarassed to say - my next upgrade), old Sansui... | |
Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier? Thanks Jls3! I think the Kochels were the speakers I was trying to remember! Klipsch speakers have never done it for me. Just provide me with none of the emotional experience that the kind of audio equiment we lust for does. Not to say they are no... | |
Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier? Thanks, Doug! The most I have read about the Edgarhorns is via Dick Olsher's From what I remember, the reviewer's liked them(including Dick, whose opinion I used to often agree with when he was at Stereophile). And, it led me to... | |
Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier? I am hoping to set up a second system, when I move into a new home later this year. My plan is for it to be in a smaller sized room, using a 2A3 based amp. I know there are the usual suspects; Coincident, Soliloquy, Silverline out there. But, I al... | |
Entry into tubes Your desires may be a bit unrealistic. You will have to compromise in some area to take full benefit of tubes. The problem area is your goal to drive Magneplanars for $1500. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I want to save you disappointment... | |
Bad Tube Experience sells new(not NOS) TESTED tubes, and sells them for less than half of what you pay at your local dealer. In many cases, a whole lot less than half. I have not yet bought from them, but I will need tubes at some point. I am surpris... | |
Amp to drive PSB Goldi ?? Tm12, thanks for the response. I own Coincident Loudspeaker Technology Digital Master/Troubass subwoofers. Basically, they are like Wilson WATT/Puppies, but ala Coincident. As you are very familiar with the brand, you know what that means. Easy to... | |
Amp to drive PSB Goldi ?? TM12, if you read me on this site, one thing you know is that I am a tube freak. That being said, not all equipment is good with all equipment. PSB Goldi speakers are difficult to drive. They are not tube friendly. That is an objective statement. ... |