
Responses from trelja

Silver cables - Great price!!
Gjames, glad to see you're on the move! For the AXON RCA's, go to Then go to AXON, then accessories. These plugs appear to be of very high quality. Siver plated housing, gold plated contacts, teflon dielectric, WBT look, etc. $... 
Silver cables - Great price!!
I am probably the person who authored the thread that spurred SD's purchase. I have been trying to drum up interest in these cables. They are knockoffs of Kimber KCAG, and Silver Streak. They use the same braid geometry, and also pure teflon insul... 
The Fourfold path...which way to go?
Sedond, you are quite right about the Electrocompaniet components - no mosfet haze. That's because there's NO mosfets. They're bipolar. I guess it all depends on what you like. To my ears, there's two kinds of solid state. Those trying to sound li... 
Ear Candy: Most startling recordings.
For me, it's "Dirt Track Date" from Southern Culture on the Skids(great band!). On this cut for the last 6 or so minutes, there is the sound of a dirt track racing car barreling around the track. It's another great imaging test, as the cart not on... 
Budget interconnects and speak wire
Not sure as to how these speakers sound... Have you/will you upgrade the tubes/power cord in the Jolida? JJ E34L's are the ticket if/when you change/replace the tubes. If the speakers tend to brightness, go with Audioquest Tuquoise IC/Audioquest T... 
<2K amp for Shearwaters
Jay, it seems as if you've loosened your budget a bit. If not, go with the C-J CAV-50 if you LIKE a rich, warm, romantic(some would argue overly, not me), "classic" tube sound. From all that I've listened to from Rogue, their new integrated would ... 
Amplifier for Sonus Faber Electa Amator
Don't know about other tube companies, but Sonus Faber and Jadis is a classic match. I've read many people who rave about it. 
The Fourfold path...which way to go?
I'm sorry. It's a shame you had to learn the hard way, Issabre. I mean this in all sincerity. For so many of us, once we go with tubes, you can never go back to ss. No matter what. SS will NEVER sound like tubes. Ever. Do you ever REALLY listen to... 
Inteligent high end cableing
Just wanted to check in. From my experience, most cables sounds right in some systems, and not others(some seem bad always). You have to try and see. I agree that there are many $300 cables that sound better than $1200 cables(you guys are right ab... 
Buyer's remorse - your worst purchase?
Let me first say that I just want to parallel the thoughts of Tubegroover. I have been buying stereo equipment for about 15 years. Have yet to buy a dud. Number one reason? I audition, audition, audition. And I KNOW what I like and what I don't. I... 
integrated amps
For amps I've listened to, these sound the best to me. Solid state, Jeff Rowland. For tube, Jadis Orchestra Reference(not Orchestra!) or the DA-30. Both Jadis amps are basically the same in the power amp section(4 KT90's + 2 12AX7's), the preamp s... 
Speaker recommendations
Coincident(I own them), Vandersteen, Meadowlark, Totem. 
Synergestic research alpha sterling
Go to HomeGrownAudio's website. There you will find their version of Kimber KCAG for $70 for a 1 meter cable, terminated. All of its conductors are SOLID SILVER, with teflon insulation. In my opinion, I give it a slight nod to KCAG, perhaps becaus... 
Resolution Audio CD55
Kevin, it is wonderful to see a manufacturer, particularly a head man, out here mixing it up. Some people have the idea that designers are entombed within vaults, separated from the rest of the world. In my experience, many, many of these guys ARE... 
Anyone built a Welborne Labs amp kit?
It says a lot about a company when they treat a customer like that. I personally have e-mailed companies with questions, when I don't even own their products. Sometimes detailed, lucid responses are provided(sometimes even within an hour). After a...