
Responses from trelja

Small Dedicated Listening Room???
Rather than a challenge, try to turn your feelings on this to see it as a blessing. You can save a LOT of money, and still have sound to die for! You no longer need BIG speakers, OR megawatt amps. You can run a smaller amp from a great manufacture... 
Rowland 7 monoblocks
The best advice ANYONE can give you is to go listen for yourself. 99 people out of 100 might tell you that A is better, but guess what? You might be #100, who prefers B! Personally, I prefer the Jeff Rowland, but that should mean nothing to you. I... 
Up & Over Sampling... Continued
Craig, many accolades are due you for getting down, and doing some dirty work. Of all the threads flying about this site, this is definitely one of the most educational I've read. Lots of good information here. Great job! 
A good tube amp can be dynamic, detailed, and musical. My opinion, buy a tube integrated, such as a Jadis Orchestra Reference(NOT Orchestra) for $3500. This amp is VERY dynamic, musical, and has a wonderful passive linestage(that you will find ver... 
Musical Fidelity A3CD Review
Great point, Sam! I have heard this player, and felt to be about as good as anything else I've come across. I know you can spend $5K or more, and get something a very little bit better, but why? Also found Arcam Alpha 9/FMJ-23(didn't hear the FMJ,... 
Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass?
Brian, thank you for the response! What type of equipment do you find the JPS stuff is best with? What are you using? How do you compare them to others you've tried? What are the strengths/weaknesses? Thank you, again. 
Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass?
Nedlabs_stereo, could you please give me your impressions of Van den Hull cables. I have no experience with them. What are the pluses/minuses. How do they compare to other cables. I've wondered about them since I heard they were graphite. Also won... 
How good do SACD players play normal CDS
Who is to say that SACD will win out over DVD-A? Beta was ahead of VHS for a few years. I have no preference as to what wins, at this point. I just want the whole thing resolved, so I can take the next step. I have(stupidly, in retrospect) held of... 
Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass?
I think better RCA's are definitely worth pursuing. The RCA's at HomeGrown are gold plated brass(like almost all others). They claim to hear no difference between these, and more expensive ones. However, I would like to try. I have found RCA's(and... 
Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass?
Kimber KCAG is as Nedlabs_stereo says. Better for tube amps and/or soft dome tweeters. KCTG is same, but 2X the conductors, better bass. If you are at all interested in KCAG, do yourself a favor, and check out HomeGrown Audio. They have the same c... 
Integrated amp decision, oh the headache
Good points Deborahl and Plsl! Deb, what tubes did you prefer in the Jolida? I found Svetlana good for smoothness, the JJ(Tesla/Teslovak) for overall balanced performance, and Ei for guts. I also think KT88 tubes are a big step up from 6550s, in t... 
Speakers : Who uses What ?
I have to disagree with the assertion that manufacturers do not let us know what drivers are in their speakers. It is true, however that many do not. But, every day, I see TOP maunfacturers pointing out that they use brands such as Morel, Vifa, Dy... 
$15 dollar Lazarus tube preamp
Good buy? No, you got a great buy! How can one be hurt anytime you buy any "real" preamp for $15? If it works(I assume it does), you have just entered the wonderful world of tubes. Want to change the sound? Change the tubes. Assuming the are only ... 
Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass?
Have to back up what everyone has offered up. I think wire gauge is one of the more important factors in bass reproduction(assuming the speakers can reproduce those frequencies). Lower frequencies are produced by woofers(duhh), which have larger c... 
Integrated amp decision, oh the headache
You are quite correct about the Chinese tubes. European (Russian, Czech, or Yugo) tubes are a significant upgrade, really opening things up, and transforming them into new amps(of a much higher level). I also recommend a 202 or 302, which are EL-3...