Responses from trelja
Perfectionist Audio Onhwy61, "I just remember that at one point people just wanted good/better/best sound and I don't think the pursuit of perfection entered into the thinking. My memory could be faulty, but that's how I remember it."That's how I remember it as well.... | |
Does anyone still miss the old Audiogon format? Morningstaraudio, "The old format seemed to get about 1000 views in a week. New format your lucky to get 250 views. Folks walked away and just never looked back."Indeed. This year, I listed stuff at giveaway prices that simply languished. Previous... | |
Sandy's Impact on your Listening Lost power for a whole week. I can do without the lights or the stereo, but having a well means no water during such occurrences. That's a tough row to hoe. Still, what I faced was nothing compared to some who live in NJ and NY. | |
THE GREAT AC OUTLET SHOOTOUT. Thank you, Peter. This should prove one of the more interesting threads we've seen here in a long time. I'm going to watch attentively. | |
Tube recommendations for AES AE-3 Preamp Though they will not equal the likes of Sylvanias, I have two recommendations for low cost tubes.Raytheon and the silver colored metal based Shuguang 6N8P. Both sound satisfyingly good, at pricing that comes in lower than the lousy sounding curren... | |
Vendors Who Post For years I've advocated having the same sort of identification that follows one's moniker that Audio Asylum employs. Participants can identify themselves as hobbyist/audiophile, dealer, manufacturer, or reviewer. As Elizabeth said, everyone carri... | |
Selling on Agon question Agreed, ONLY a wire transfer.Also, forget UPS. UPS is a nightmare to deal with when you try to send or receive a package across the border. I've had packages get hung up for days, weeks, and even months. In addition, you'll take a bath for the fee... | |
Mini Amplifiers Great suggestion, Larryi! I didn't think to suggest the Synthesis, but I'll definitely second it.The stunning little tube amplifiers this company makes are perhaps the most overlooked products in amplification. Incredible sound. | |
Amp hums in standby mode when TV is on Reminds me of that old joke about the guy who visits the doctor, and says, "Doc, it hurts when I do this." The doctor's reply, "Then don't do that." | |
Tube Pre/Monoblock Recommendation I have the Atma Sphere and Quicksilver amplifiers and Merlin VSM loudspeakers. Both amplifiers surely work well, and which you would prefer depends on your own tastes. In a 15 X 25 room, the M60s do have enough power, but folks often go for more w... | |
break-in--bane or boon ?? Douglas_schroeder, I also appreciate the discussion, thank you. I believe in such a small world, this represents the route toward best sharing the hobby.Though I may reference your comments directly (and to others in other threads), my true intent... | |
break-in--bane or boon ?? Thank you for your input, Charles1dad, Ivan_Nosnibor, and Nonoise. Obviously, we're of the same mind.Mapman, I hope you'd be willing to share a soft drink at my expense at a high-end audio show in either NYC or DC next year.Douglas_schroeder, "I w... | |
break-in--bane or boon ?? Douglas_schroeder, "To date I have had no one, professional or amateur, contest my findings. I also have found no one who has replicated the test. I suggest those who doubt my little test, who ardently belive in Burn In, get double components and ... | |
break-in--bane or boon ?? Mrtennis, "so i allow 300 hours, as a standard practice."Given the factors in play, it sounds like the wisest strategy. | |
Repair Exemplar 3910 or ??? Michael, I think it really comes down to whether you like and use the Exemplar. If yes to both, fix it. If no, don't.Aside from that, if you intend on selling it, fix it. A machine which doesn't read discs loses more than the $200 repair at sale t... |