
Responses from trelja

Speakers with fullness and weight?
A lot of loudspeakers, like most components, of today do sound excessively thin, lean, forward, etc.Three (Fried A/6, Fried Studio V, and Quad ESL57) of my loudspeakers get this right, and have the fullness and weight you mention. I find these spe... 
Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva
Dragon_vibe, "Its unethical how they treated there dealers."No one felt more appreciative about Bob Carver's most recent venture than I. An all-American tube amplifier company, led by the legend himself who seemed to be in it because of his heart.... 
Quad ESL 57 - Which to buy
Unless I knew a whole lot about the outfit that did the restoration, and had complete confidence in them, I would opt for the original pair.A lot of the parts used in the restoration are not exactly as the original. Do an internet search, and you'... 
Dynaco Stereo 80 Tube Amp????
I previously owned one of these amplifiers...As you mentioned, it was a rare bird. Most people confuse it with a solid state product Dynaco produced of the same name. The Stereo 80 addressed the well-known complaints of the venerable Stereo 70: a ... 
Kevin gets the
Stereophile and TAS are more on the up and up than most of the internet review sites, which is where the true sleazebags live. 
I haven't heard your amplifier specifically, but feel 2A3 amplifiers are the most overlooked components in audio. While the 300B gets all the press, the 2A3 is perhaps the best sounding, real world output tube out there.I'm not at all surprised yo... 
Anybody find themselves revisiting old threads?
Sorry! Well at least we got a good laugh from all this, yes? 
Anybody find themselves revisiting old threads?
I never look back into old threads.What I find hysterically funny is when someone resurrects an old thread (and, sometimes, they're REALLY old), and answers it as if the last post were just a couple of hours ago. 
NYC Audio Show this Friday, 12 APR 2013 ?
I'll be there on Friday. 
Consonance cyber 845 bias setting
Thanks, Doctor.It's actually an incredibly simple process. You need a 1/4" phono plug with two leads coming off of it so you can connect your voltmeter. Adjust to 4.5V. 4.8V would be OK too, but I would advise against going higher than that. 
Could they sell a high-end amp without the fancy
One could argue the majority of high-end audio components embody what you ask for.Just off the top of my head AtmaSphere, Air Tight, B&K, Bryston, Cary, Creek, Conrad Johnson, Jolida, Music Hall, Music Reference, NAD, Naim, Quad, Quicksilver, ... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
I'd like to offer my thanks and congratulations on one of the more interesting and entertaining cable threads I can remember. Not since the time of JD (Jade) have I felt as interested in cable.The analysis reminds me a lot of the outstanding Audio... 
45 Type Push/Pull
You can debate whether you prefer SET or PP amplifiers. They definitely sound different; I think each would appeal to some. Obviously, push-pull gives the kind of advantage in power that allows most to use the triode tubes with a real world loudsp... 
Old tube versus new tube gear
More or less, every current production tube amplifier is a knockoff of one of the three classic designs.Sonically, I find some of the differences in new and old are related to:1) A lot of the older designs used a lot more circuitry2) As people had... 
Triode mode vs pento mode
Atmasphere, "the original patent shows that if the tap is correctly placed, you get exact triode linearity with 90% of pentode power."The industry has chased this promise since the 1950s. If the patent Ralph referenced is the same as I'm thinking,...