Responses from trelja
market value of my gears That old crap's no longer worth anything. As a favor, I'll take it off your hands to dispose of it. And, as a sign of generosity will even pay the shipping here to me. | |
MSS HiFi The Audio Pimp Manifesto brings tears to my eyes, Donjr.I'm reminded of the remarks Ol' Dirty Bastard's own mother used in her eulogizing him, "He was an artist." | |
MSS HiFi Thank you for passing these links along, Jgm. The fake serial number thing scares the heck out of me. | |
Audio Equipment... the word Cool... and Life If you want to see the definition of uncool, show up at a high-end audio show.Despite all of the behind the keyboard bravado on these discussion forums, the attendees make it look like a convention of people Geritol would be embarrassed to have in... | |
Who makes the highest quality tube gear? I would give 10/10 to only two (both Japanese) companies, Air Tight and Kondo/Audio Note Japan. High praise indeed.Atma Sphere, Jadis, and VAC merit the 8/10 and 9/10 in my book. Still, a lofty lot. I might include BAT as well, but I might not.Tak... | |
Aerial Acoustics vs. Joseph Audio Fairly different presentations, though I like and respect both brands.Joseph Audio speakers tend to be more liquid and relaxed, whereas Aerial Acoustics are more forward sounding. I wouldn't characterize things in strictly yin/yang terms, but whic... | |
Raysonic gone belly up, is this a hoax? Read on... It's a shame what happened to the workers in that factory. Regarding the claims of quality, I have no doubt whatsoever as to their validity. That's the thing that a lot of customers don't get to see in regard to the Chinese high-end audio manufact... | |
Integrated amp: Can it perform equal to separates? I own and have owned a lot of preamps, amps, and integrateds over the years, both solid state and tube.Top to bottom, my Jadis DA60 is the overall best amplification I've owned. | |
The Demise of the Hi-End Audio Store Schubert, "the hi-end model shifted to making a lot of money off each unit from making a decent amount off more units"This assertion is 100% accurate. | |
Tube amp s : Solving the base problem. Instead of collecting the additional fees on Audiogon classified ads that some complain about, why not go back to just charging a buck or two, with no extra percentage charge?In place of the current fee schedule, we'll simply impose a $1 surcharge... | |
The Best Audio Dealer Right about Chestnut Hill, Bifwynne; it's a beautiful area. Lots of good restaurants there of many stripes. I'm in Whitemarsh township, very close to there and where you were in Plymouth Meeting. If you know the Shell gas station in Chestnut Hill,... | |
Buying in Canada I take it you're getting a heck of a deal?Normally, pricing for most everything is higher in Canada.Definitely follow Lowrider57's advice in declaring the value correctly. I could be wrong, but if the speakers were manufactured in the USA or Canad... | |
The Best Audio Dealer Bifwynne, most people confuse Community Audio with the defunct Jack Rubsinson's (still active in the industry - I think now with VPI?) Chestnut Hill Audio, which used to sit right below the Ben Franklin Bridge. Community Audio is located on German... | |
The Best Audio Dealer Two other great suggestions in the Philadelphia, PA area are Community Audio and TSTO (formerly, The Stereo Trading Outlet). Both stores have been around since the mid-80s, have fantastic owners/service, interesting and good sounding lineups, and ... | |
Why is it that when I look up the seller info... I've seen this before, too. I'll guess it's related to the computer programming language or operating system this site runs on.The UNIX birthdate is 01/01/1970, and for many an OS and/or programming language, the concept of time starts there. Put ... |