
Responses from trelja

Help with making a decision - Fried Studio V mars
Yes, Bill can fix most anything that wrong with a driver. Voice coils, magnets, cones, spiders, etc. He replaces spiders when he installs new surrounds because both work together and form the driver's suspension. Though the driver will work again ... 
Help with making a decision - Fried Studio V mars
Thank you. I was originally going to make a suggestion, but after thinking about it overnight, I recommend sending both of your 8" Focal drivers to Bill Legall of Millersound for repair. Bill's a very close f... 
Help with making a decision - Fried Studio V mars
Bobana0, thank you for the background. Understood.If I may ask, which woofers need replacing on your Studio V? 
Yet another Quad 57 Experience
57s4me, "It was brought home to me again with great clarity that the Quad 57, this old-fashioned space-heater of a thing, despite all its faults (and it has a few) makes music like nothing else I have ever heard."I agree wholeheartedly.My one and ... 
Help with making a decision - Fried Studio V mars
Bobana0, Bud Fried DID use Focal drivers during the time when the Studio V were produced. I know they were also used in the Valhalla System. Beyond those two, I'd have to do a bit of research.Not that you'll be happy to read this, but here's how s... 
Help with making a decision - Fried Studio V mars
You will have no trouble selling them. I'll say right here and now I am willing to buy them from you myself.Though most do not know or have forgotten the legendary Bud Fried and his loudspeakers, there still exists a small, but fanatical following... 
Fried A-3 speakers
Sorry about that character in NC, Bojack. It sounds like you no longer have the A/6? If that's not the case, and you need the crossover schematic, I could provide you with it.We would consider the parts quality of Bud Fried's crossovers low for to... 
Fried A-3 speakers
I have a pair of A/6, which were a larger version.They're fantastic sounding loudspeakers in my opinion, and feel they compete with anything up to about $5K in today's world. In general, Bud Fried's loudspeakers eclipse so much of what gets built ... 
5U4G suitable for Dyanco ST-70?
On page 10 (or 12 of 16 counting the .pdf way)of Hifitime's manual, "The 5U4 or 5U4G can be used in place of the place of the GZ34." Not that everyone here doesn't already know, but the GZ34 is the 5AR4.Another Dynakit ST70 manual states, "using t... 
5U4G suitable for Dyanco ST-70?
Dynaco DID list the 5U4G as a suitable substitute in the ST70. Likewise, they named 6L6 acceptable in the output section. Of course, they didn't believe either tube provided the sonic performance of the recommended varieties.While the Russian 6L6 ... 
5U4G suitable for Dyanco ST-70?
You can absolutely use a 5U4G in a Dynaco ST70.In fact, the Dynaco MKII monos did use that rectifier. Along with the power supply choke and the KT88 output tubes, one of the improvements the successor, the MKIII offered over the MKII was the 5AR4 ... 
When is it to hot to cut the grass?
Heat finally broke last night in the Philadelphia suburbs. I have to say the cold front brought the most beautiful lightning show I have witnessed. With the sun going lower, the lightning lit up the enormous cotton white clouds building in the bri... 
5751 Triple Mica - really that good?
In my experience, the Sylvania Triple Mica 5751 are the best sounding 12AX7 tubes ever produced.You are right they also cost an exorbitant amount. If you must have the best, you'll pay for them. Outside of that, the current production Shuguang Tri... 
What happened to Jfox
Welcome back, Jafox!Agree with my friend Denis' (Springbok10) statements about Bill (AudioFeil) Feil. Bill's a fantastic, warm-hearted, generous, funny, supremely intelligent / wise person. Obviously, he had little tolerance for fools or a lot of ... 
Happy 4th of July
Thanks very much for your sentiments, Jafant. You're a truly good guy.