Responses from trelja
Are tone controls worth a second look ? I'm impressed, Onhwy61.Thanks for the kind words guys! I myself had a Jadis Orchestra Reference with tone controls. It was kind of a bold move on the part of Jadis, but I can tell you I greatly appreciated having them onboard. Currently, I have a ... | |
Are tone controls worth a second look ? Despite thinking we are purists in this sense, I've yet to find an audiophile who isn't using tone controls.Today's tone controls are vacuum tubes, tube buffers, cabling, isolation devices, equipment stands, cryogenic treatment, plugs/receptacles,... | |
Sumptuous, lush, rich, liquid golden midrange amp? Hi, Denis, hope you are well.Have you given any consideration to a DA30, DA50S, or DA60? All of which would be under your $5000 pricepoint for a used unit, and obviously give you that Jadis sound, which as we both know from firsthand experience, i... | |
Top 5 Hamburgers In the Philadelphia area:Barclay PrimeBlack SheepThe BardsCopabananaGood Dog Bar (try the one stuffed with blue cheese)London Grill (on an English muffin, no less)RougeAlthough it doesn't make this list, I like 5 Guys, but understand Unsound's cri... | |
Droplet Cd player - tweaks, mods or upgrades? Consonance components in general are prone to fail catastrophically. I'm making the presumption you have a Droplet 5.0, and not the mini Droplet... The best thing you can do for your Droplet 5.0 is to make sure you keep good 6H30 Supertubes in it.... | |
Van Halen or Van Hagar Ditto, the original Van Halen. | |
What RAL spray paint No for original Lenco GL75? This may very well be a tough one to answer in this forum. Have you also tried Audio Asylum?Being a former chemist who did a fair degree of color work, I've personally gone through the pain of understanding how complex a subject color actually is.... | |
Jadis DA 60 Integrated Yes, it's driving distance. I'm in the Philadelphia area, if you're up for it, we'd just have to hammer out the details.I also have a pair of Atma M60s, and for what it's worth, am comfortable in laying out all the differences between them and the... | |
Jadis DA 60 Integrated Hope things are well, Pubul57. I presume the speakers your speakers are still Merlins?Presuming the speakers are Merlins, either of the two amplifiers will be fine, though they will sound different. The DA30 will be a touch sweeter, with subtly be... | |
Best cables for Jadis DA88 Signature I think, as usual, the answer depends on the rest of your system, your room, and your tastes.Unless you provide that sort of information, the better answers for you will be difficult to impossible to provide, as you will simply be throwing darts b... | |
How to safely bias Cayin A88T Tube amp Peaman, in what part of the country are you located? If you are local to me, I'll do it for you. | |
James Burgess Thank you for your post, Brad! You did a superlative job in laying out the background and of a man many of us admire from afar and would like to get to know better.I first heard of James Burgess about a year ago through a friend of mine, Rob Trank... | |
WHICH TUBE AMP TO BUY Nsgarch, "at which point, of course, they will all raise their prices." For a laundry list of reasons that I won't bore you with here, that's already happened. In part because of that, their sales in the North American market have utterly collapse... | |
WHICH TUBE AMP TO BUY As the former importer/distributor for one of the brands Nsgarch mentioned, let's just say that being up close and personal with them leaves a terrible taste in one's mouth.A most interesting read on the way things are done in China was published ... | |
Tube-amp for Magnepan? Guys, in living with a strong willed and regal female German Shepherd (I won't go into the lineage here), I understand the German thing. |