Responses from trelja
How are Mullards supposed to sound? Attaguy, Unsound! Thank goodness there are ethical sellers like you left in this hobby. It both serves as an example, as well as provides hope for the rest of us.By the way, Mullard (the real ones - from the past) small signal tubes like 12AU7 and... | |
Where is Wright Audio? George's passing represents a true loss to this industry.Hopefully, the obvious enthusiasm for the components that he built continues to be mirrored in terms of sentimental value people have that stretches far into the future, and his legacy in th... | |
really bright sounding speaker cables Agree with the Nordost. I've never found a pair that I could tolerate, but for what you are looking for, they may just do the trick.I've also had a pair of AudioQuest Dragon (silver). The most spectacular cable I've owned in many regards, such as ... | |
Vikings Fight Song: Try again Looked like the football gods tried everything they could to ensure we didn't need to suffer that song another two weeks.It took the worst rule in sports, football's sudden death overtime where the other team never gets an opportunity, to pull it ... | |
Help/IRS Beta Control woofer replacement Give Bill Legall at Millersound a call, (215) 412-7700. As you can see, the entire IRS line is something he has up close and personal familiarity with. | |
JADE AUDIO Cables Looks very good, JD!Did you do it yourself? At any rate, as always, my best to you and yours. | |
VPI Classic - Now you have one...... I've been exceptionally happy with mine.Though I had expected things would need time, as I was also breaking in a cartridge, phono preamplifier, and obviously, the tonearm wire, I was initially kind of bored with the sound. However, with some help... | |
The Hub: Viva Las Vegas! A few friends I've spoken with have told me attendance is WAY off this year. Can anyone confirm this? Obviously, anecdotal evidence from one or two people is not enough to draw a real conclusion from.It very much surprised them, as they were expec... | |
Manley Stingray Integrated amp. Along the lines of what Pubul57 laid out, I think you can't go wrong with an amplifier from Roger Modjeski, Manley, or VAC. Which particular model best suits you will be a matter of personal taste, and I encourage you to do a bit of auditioning, i... | |
Well Tempered Classic TT Belt Replacement If you run into problems getting the belt for the legacy model, I agree with those who mentioned giving Mike Pranka at Toffco a call.Obviously, given the differences, there is no guarantee Mike can do anything. But, he's one of the best people you... | |
Manley Stingray Integrated amp. The Stingray is a very nice amplifier indeed.In addition to having one of the champs of tone, the EL84, it is well built and should prove reliable. You're also dealing with one of the better companies in the business, normally represented by some ... | |
Can the glass on a tube be repaired??? Sorry to hear this! If the vacuum hadn't been lost, there would be no issue. It'd strictly be cosmetic, but if the glass is broken in a way that would present a safety problem for those in the home, you would have wanted to address that. When I wa... | |
How do I dampen my listening environment? I moved the stereo into a larger room in my home, and along the way, pulled up the carpet, installed a maple hardwood floor, and worried about the same kind of issue. The acoustics were hard, and the last thing I needed was bright, harsh sound. As... | |
Which 6922? That's funny, Tef8568!It reminds me of a thread on cryogenic treatment, and a poster offered to have his ex wife sleep with whatever component (wire, tube, etc.) as she also met this description. | |
Which 6922? This kind of goes against what you are asking for, but I strongly believe you are best served by staying away from current 6922/6DJ8 variants. That may change in the future, as there are some new production tubes that rival the old days, but from ... |