
Responses from trelja

Ia a good amp more important than a good DAC?
Thanks, Unsound!Though I'm in the "amp first" camp in this thread, I still feel the source is definitely important. In fact, critically important.One trend this type of argument (more commonly: speakers or source) often follows is to dismiss the i... 
Duntech repairs?
Apart from Millersound being able to repair the woofers, I know that Bill is a huge fan of Duntechs. Since we've never talked about it beyond him consistently the speakers me, I'm not sure how deep and intimate his knowledge of the products are in... 
Ia a good amp more important than a good DAC?
Markwatkiss, "On contrary Al,the rationale for "source first" has and always will continue to make a whole lot of sense irregardless of what is downstream."I'm surprised that more discussion hasn't taken place on the use of "irregardless", as oppo... 
dynaco st 70 what tubes to replace first
Dav65mus, you've more or less ended up in the same place I have with my ST70.The one difference being I prefer the JJ E34L to their KT77. You give up a bit of low frequency performance, which isn't the strong suit of the ST70 anyway, but the midra... 
The Hub: Futterman H3: Seen one lately?
I keep a corded phone (the older, the better) in my house, as they are the only ones that will work when the power goes out.In the garage of my shore house, I have one of those "REAL home phones" you mentioned. It's a mechanical, rotary type, in b... 
The Hub: Futterman H3: Seen one lately?
Thanks for this thread, and keep up the fantastic work! These spotlights enrich and expand the high-end audio experience more than you might believe.For too many today, Futterman is a buzz word for an amp that is not only far from being ready for ... 
What is your favorite tube for a preamplifier ?
Also agree with the 6SN7.For me, so many 6922, 6H30, and 5687 based designs sound bright, glassy, and etched in the manner that many audiophiles often mistake for resolution or neutrality. I find many of them artificial and difficult to listen to ... 
no low end st70
The ST70 is not the last word in either power or low-end. That being said, even in this age of multikilobuck products being de riguer, I'm hard pressed to find a more satisfying amplifier.A few questions:1) Are you sure the ST70 is working properl... 
The Hub: The most influential amp ever?
Kudos on another stellar thread!We grossly underestimate the knowledge, ability, creativity, and genius of the folks from the postwar era. As I like to ask, in real terms, have things actually improved since?In my opinion, no product, let alone, t... 
How to repair speaker surrounds?
Go with Bill Legall of Millersound, as Rodman99999 suggested. You can call him at (215) 412-7700.Some folks try to refoam speakers themselves. Some folks also try to cut their own hair. Since drivers are like tires on a car, where the rubber meets... 
Apologies on the issues you're having with the R4!You are most wise to fix them, as opposed to moving to something else. Sonically, the Frieds of that vintage are quite special. Sadly, it's a different market today, and though a lot more effort an... 
Transmission line speakers
Audiobyus1, I agree with your assessment of Fried loudspeakers.However, apart from his time at Harvard and distinguished service to our country during WWII, Bud Fried lived his entire life in the suburban Philadelphia, PA area. It is true he spent... 
Transmission line speakers
Congratulations on the IMFs! I'm not surprised you love them, Bud Fried really put out some phenomenal products.Sometimes, I listen to a pair of Frieds and wonder how far we've come over the past decade or two. While it's almost de rigeur for so m... 
Consonance / Opera Audio CD120 with tubes?? Help
I was previously the importer/distributor for Opera Audio/Consonance in the North American market.The model being discussed here is the CD120T, and was a North American specific component. You will find no information on this model on the company'... 
The Hub: TidBits from RMAF 2009: Part TWO
The pervading answer in so many threads around here these days is to not actually answer the question, but instead muddle everything around in the "there is no best" thinking. I don't get behind that at all. For one, it kind of destroys the purpos...