
Responses from trelja

Tube amp- bang for the buck of new breed
I'd give the Rogue Cronus a long, hard look. 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
I've owned three Jadis integrateds, and still have two of them. And, I have a lot of other components, including amplifiers, as well. The Jadis integrateds have proven to be the most reliable electronics I have owned.Beyond that, in terms of their... 
ST-70 modifications
Last year I built a bone stock ST70 kit from I also bought a VTA board along with triode kit to convert it to after getting a baseline on the stock amplifier.I own a lot of highly regarded tube amplifiers, and with the modern resistor... 
Jim Thiel has passed.
My heartfelt sympathy and condolences. 
Zu Essence vs. any Emerald Physics CS series
I was more than happy to see the Zu review in the current Stereophile. 
Foam Plugs
Eldartford, "no pontification." Do you have something against us Catholics?Seriously, though, what I mean is that your statement, "A true "acoustic suspension" speaker system involves a woofer with a free air resonance of about 15 Hz" is incorrect... 
Foam Plugs
Eldartford, your understanding of the subject is a textbook case of "right church, wrong pew". 
Foam Plugs
Eldartford, ""Sealed box" they may be, but not truly acoustic suspension." Agreed. That was the point of my initial post."A true "acoustic suspension" speaker system involves a woofer with a free air resonance of about 15 Hz." Disagree. A woofer d... 
Foam Plugs
Rodman99999, "However, most make no distinctions between sealed box and 2nd order/acoustic suspension designs nowdays." That solidifies my feeling regarding the dumbing down of the craft over the past decade-plus.Beyond that, thank you for your ex... 
Foam Plugs
Rodman99999, "If the plugs are closed cell foam; the alignment becomes an acoustic suspension."Maybe, but probably not. What you have is more or less a sealed box alignment. Acoustic Suspension is more specific than that, and requires certain para... 
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead
Excellent question, Rja!I believe the old marketing model is dead. I might also say the "new" marketing model of the past decade (the internet box movers) looks to be seriously leaking oil.Where does that leave us? I think it points to direct sale... 
Current Inexpensive CD Vs High Priced 90's
Stanwal, "Get a Musical Fidelity V-DAC for $299. Better than most $2000 ones." and "I was extrapolating from the equipment I use and their placement on the HIFICRITIC rating system."Just to clarify, your assertion is that a $299 DAC you have never... 
anyone have experience with tube cdps'
In my experience, a tube output does nothing to make a CD player sound less "digital".If you did not find the Rega Apollo to be laid back, you are definitely not going to find any of the three players on your list to be. They are all much more for... 
Most beneficial change .
Saki70, I think that so long as you use the solid state output of the Granite 657 once in a while, which would confirm that something with the output tubes are not what you are hearing, it would infer that the CD player is not causing the problem. 
Recommended components on Stereophile Magazine.
Bravo, Marco! Best post of the year, in my opinion.For a long time, I've railed against the objectivist argument that audio must somehow be quantified. You just put things in far better terms than I am able.No one tries to measure and assign a set...