
Responses from tweak1

what speakers to buy
I replaced Magnepan 3.5Rs with a pair of Emerald Physics KCIIs,. They totally trounced the 3.5Rs and ae super efficient. I upgraded mine from factory with wireWorld OCC internal wiring. You will be hard pressed to match their sound with $5K ++ spe... 
105 Update:ebaye sells aftermarket 105 parts that are pretty much plug n play. I highly recommend upgrading the IEC and replacing the oem crappy power supply with a Linear Power Module. Mine was only $118 + the iec wiring loom: total < $300I ju... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
wow, quite the pissing contestBack to the OPs questionHow about the newest Gain Cell 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
OP, funny, I just posted a similar discussion on AA. I have a Parasound P5, and was thinking time to upgrade, but my system is balanced throughout, and there's not much available under under $4K. Then I came across a W4S STP E on 10 Audio and star... 
Definitely get a 105. I've seen some used ones ~ $900If you're big ito CDs...Then go to ebaye and get 2 DIY items (the hardest part if making sure to mark which screws go where on the damn chassis cover and the one board that mst be removed from t... 
OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality???
Too bad this thread stalled out 2 years ago. About 6 months ago I found an iEC silver/Furutek Rhodium IEC wiring harness on ebaye that was a jaw dropping improvement. That led me to do an easy DIY swap out of the OEM board for a Linear Power Modul... 
Magnepan 3.7i vocals sound harsh
I have owned Maggies 3.5Rs and Parasound 2.1. I finally got rid of the Maggies for similar reasons as you, replaced them Emerald Physics KC IIs, an absolute bargain, I also upgraded to Parasound Halo P 5, which has a lot more more balls than the 2... 
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)
definitely Emerald Physics. Their KC IIs are a steal at $2500 MSRP 
Do ClassDAudio Amps Have Proper Decay Of Notes?
My Emerald Physics 100.2 SEs do (in spades), but they can only give you what's upstream 
Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates
I have danced this dance many times; all tube systems, all SS systems, and tube pre SS amps. Since the amps are the hardest on tubes, consider SS amps (I love my Emerald Physics 100.2SEs) and the tube pre of your choice 
Best sounding compact integrated amp < $2k?
I have 2 Emerald Physics EP100.2SEs, which love. They now offer an integratedFYI I have a pair of their KCII speakers FS. see ad/review in AA 
Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???
th top of my very short list is Parasound Halo JC 2. I own their P 5 which I use in balanced mode 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
If you think your 105 sounds good now, check out replacing the incoming IEC and wire (from ebay ( ) and the Linear Power Module (mine was only $... 
Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?
Absolutely, some much better than others. In the past I have used top cords from TekLine, but have mostly switched to Wire World, who calls his 'power conditioners' They certainly increased the overall performance of my 2 Emerald Physics EP 100.2... 
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
I can see you are a high-hi-end listener. Me too, but I learned a lot when I was partners in Audio Tweakers over a decade ago. My then biz partner had a cost no object budget, which I got to hear regularly. He now owns Scaena Loudspeakers which co...