
Responses from tweak1

Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?
you can likely find a pair for ~ $1500 
Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?
I love my Emerald Physics 100.2SEs. I did upgrade he fuse which was huge. I think most of the ones on the used market do not have it, so they don't know how good these class D amps are. Also my system is fully balanced 
Why did it take so long
I am not in a position to on the latest PS audio digital products, but I do employ Machina Dynamica Promethean Springs (among other MD products), and recently upgraded my Oppo 105 with IEC wire loom (OppoMod) and Linear Power Module (ZeroZone). Th... 
Directionality of wire
It never ceases to amaze that their are always naysayers who never tried product X, or in this case Machina Dynmica products. Either you can't hear, or don't want to investigate things outside the box, but somehow feel justified to chastise things... 
Best Small Floorstanding Speaker under $2K
Recently, I too was looking for sub $2K speakers. Fortunately, I saw  Emerald Physics AG adv for their KC IIs with a free BOM. If not for their super special, they would have been off my radar. I sprang for adding WireWorlds fairly new internal s... 
Mods for Behringer DCX
Google it. There are several 
Reference 3a MM de Capo i with Pass Labs?
I don't see what you would gain over the HCA. If anything contact Cullen Audio and ask for a quote to upgrade it. Also it is very cable and interconnect sensitive. I recommend Tek Line Cables Reference power cords and Clear Day Audio interconnectr... 
What should I do?
If your source is CD you will be amazed how good the Raysonic 168 or 228 variable tube outs are. I replaced a $3K preamp and never looked back. Plus, one less shelf, power cord, interconnect... oh and they are awesome CD players to boot 
connectng CD player directly to amp, good or bad?
You will usually give up some convenience like no additional inputs, and most likely polarity control. Polarity can be resolved by inserting an inexpensive XO like dBX or Behringer. Both have individual polarity control for bass, mids, and highes,... 
I've got a PS Audio GCC-250 on the way. Mistake??
I have owned a GCC 250 for 5 years. I moved it to my video system. I can tell you it is very responsive to better power cords (I like Tek Line Cables Reference seris) and interconnects- Clear Day Audio solid core with Xhadow connectors 
nobody talks about BAT anymore?
I heard their amps in combination with Hansen speakers at a grand opening in Boca back in November. The sound was terrific. 
PS Audio Ultralink DAC vs newer CD player
The biggest problem with separate trans/dacs is the SPDIF interface. The new PS Audio Perfect Wave eliminates this problem by using I2S. CD players eliminate SPDIFMyself I have a Raysonic 228 cd player, replacing a 168 which is now for sale. Glorr... 
Best Speakers under USD 2,000 Second Hand Price
Usher 6311s 
Cables for Jeff Rowland / mbl system
Having taken a long trip down the exotic/expensive cable road, I have a recommendation that you probably won't consider, only because they aren't either expensive or exotic, but if you wnat a sanity check- Clear Day Cables solid core silver double... 
whats the difference?
DO you have a dedicated line?