
Responses from tweak1

What speakers with Bel Canto
Contact Underwood and ask about the Emrald Physics CS 2 
XLR cable with RCA output
Be interesting to see if CAT will modify the pre for XLR I/Os 
DAC recommendation?
Check out Cullen Circuits for his moded ZP 80 and moded PS audio DAC III 
Monoblocks to consider?
Definitely check into Wyred4Sound. I am using the K 500s on my Magnepan 3.5R mid/bass panels. Underwood HiFi sells them. He advertises here. 
CD upgrade opinions?
I have repalced 2-3 times more expensive CD players with the Raysonic 168. It has variable balanced tube outs which is so good, I no use my preamp 
Referrence 3A's a good match with Lavardin?
Should be excellent. Get 2 sets of Clear Day solid core speaker cables- silver shotgun. If you can't afford to biwire now, he will make up matching jumpers. Search here for Clear Day 
Sound Fusion mods for Bluenote Stibbert cdp
As far as I know they are no longer made. I had a set and while they significantly outperformed the stock columns, the biggest improvement was doing away with the columns. Remove the acrylic top and get a set of 4 Machina Dynamica Promethean sprin... 
Have $600 Need input on upgrade for Acurus Amp
Wyred4Sound stero amp. Call them for availability 
is there a consensus on too short speaker cables?
An old friend, who is an MIT insider, once told me that Bruce Brissen says speaker cables needs to be at least 8 ft to propigate a solid bass wave. Cables are too short restrict the ability to play with speaker room placement 
Tube amp with volume control vs. with a proper pre
My Raysonic 168 ($2500) has an awesome tube output with remote volume control. Good enough to retire my PS Audio GCP 200/GCPS ($3K!) 
Mapleshade recordings
Cats Are Stealing My Shit is fun. Kendra Shank Afterglow and Datevik (her acapella at the end is haunting) are excellent 
Does Raysonic CD128 need to be on top shelf?
I have the 168 on the top shelf. It sounds a lot more integrated with Herbes Isocup/balls, but that raises the height. I would say you need at least 8" clearance above the top. And that will get old as you will be contorting to get discs in/out 
Audio Research V70 or VS55 power amp
You would do better to upgrade the 2B 
Power Conditioners
I have a dedicated 20 amp line to my system and still benefit from balanced power condtioning. There is a BPT FS on Audio Asylum 
Help: getting around balanced inputs on pre/pro?
XLR/RCA adapters. Come on guys. This is like running a high performance engine on regular gas. It will work, but you won't get near the performance that's there. Truly balanced architecture DEFINES hi-end. Everything is is a pretender. Wake up and...