Best Integrated Amp? Help...

I am looking at spending under $2000, new or used.
I want a simple no frills integrated amp.
I am using B&W Nautilus 804s which can be demanding.
Tried a Jeff Rowland, and it would not work with them.
They have done well with Classe and BAT.
Looking in the 100W to 150W range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thinking Plinius 9100, Musical Fidelity A300 or A3.5.
Musical Fidelity A5 - used
Shanling A-3000 - new
Cayin A-88T Vacuum Tube Integrated/Power Amp - new ("only" 45 W, but you will be surprised)
Vincent Audio - SV-236 Hybrid - new

Primare i30 - used if you can find one for under 2 grand

Bel Canto is interesting, but if the Rowland didn't do it for you, I am a bit skeptical this one will either - again buy used if you can find one
PS Audio GCC 250 or 500. I am using a GCC 250 on my video system. It's overkill there but for a music system it's fab
Creek 5350SE integrated amp. new for about $1600, used for about $800. Neutral but very life-like. Dynamic. Plenty of power. reliable. great midrange with a variety of speakers. I am currently using them with Dynaudio 70s. They run about 4 Ohms but occasionally can dip to 3 Ohms. Highly recommended.
Thanks for all the responses.
I am worried the Creek could not drive the speakers.
Anybody else have feedback on the PS Audio GCC 250?

I have one fellow offering me a Blue Circle NSCS.
Anybody have any feedback about those?