
Responses from tweak1

Voyager GaN Amp ... anyone have one?
I was among the first to order one almost 2 years ago. At the same time I ordered the EVS1200 thinking I could compare the two and return the one that didn’t float my boat. Many know my room is very large with no back wall reinforcement, in fact m... 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
@viber6 It was not the cable (WW Series 8 XLR) it was the Oppo 105 dac that I had direct connected to the XLR inputs on my AA dac/pre, which bypasses the AA dachth 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
@atmosphere  Mods should not automatically pull a post because someone reported it, but they have done so to me on at least 4 different occasions. I reported each to Tammy, who agreed they should NEVER have been removed, and had ALL reposted 
Need Long Length Speaker Cables
IMO, running long XLR interconnects (if the upstream kit is diff balanced) is a superior option. If your kit is not, then consider going that route firsthth 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
@viber6 Keep in mind the dac in the now ~ 10 y/o 105 is far from SOTA, as is the AA dac/pre, meaning a significant dac or dac/pre upgrade might well be more accurate without being hot, but... Typically, dac/pres are a rare breed, and separates may... 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
@dougeyjones I have had a number of removed posts reinserted after contacting AGon. Some of these mods are way too PC 
Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"
Most likely it is your dac, pre and cabling. See my comments in the "class D is it dry" thread 
Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
very hard to find, but, if you can score a Audio Alchemy DDP-1 (dac/pre) and their PS 5 separate power supply you will be extremely happy for a very long time. I've seen the combo for ~ $1200. See the Absolute Sound review back in March 2016.I hav... 
Has anyone compared the Terminator Plus to the Holo Audio May (KTE edition)?
No familiarity with these, or the dac Im about to make you aware of, but it is an R2R and looks phenomenally well built Underwood HiFi 
Stratospheric audio gear prices
Have you checked the price of food lately? Everything is going up, up, up. Thank you international banksters= gangsters. One of my friends installs teak on exotic yachts. Prices have gotten out of hand simultaneous to supply issues. Ditto all wood... 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
First, the price for quality class D (or all things, including food) is much higher due to world-wide money inflation: thank you world monetary 'leaders'= banksters. Now...I am one of the very lucky few to have made the leap of faith roughly 2 yea... 
Any real difference in RCA cables quality for sub?
I think WW did develop cables specifically for subwoofers 
Class D amps that are superior to all or most?
FYI Premium offers a 15 day money back. If returned customer is responsible for shipping both ways. Since they are small and light weight, that should be a no brainerhth 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
Audio-GD | Underwood Cool looking R2R dacs   
What amp to match with Spatial Audio M3 Sapphire open back speakers
Well crap. After posting this I see you didn't score them. Not to worry as EPs come up. I saw a pair of 2.7s just the other day for $2000, or EP 3.0s for $1200 First, great choice going Open BAFFLE instead of cabinet compromised monkey coffins. I ...