Responses from twoleftears
Impressive Audiogon, Great Job! It's expand-your-vocabulary day today. And today's word is: sycophancy. | |
New Look for Audiogon hard to work with The tiles are dreadful. The keyholes even worse. You can't rapidly see what's being advertised; product name fades into gray, along with all the fuzzy around the circular photo. PLEASE GO BACK TO PREVIOUS VERSION. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados @newbee Do you still have your Boleros? (-:The KZ Chopin concertos have been my go-to for years. He floats the piano part in, as you say, a magically lyrical way.Do you have the Radu Lupu late Brahms piano pieces? If not, I'm 99% you'd really li... | |
Quad Z4 anyone? True, there isn't much. | |
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists Are you set on the SFs? Cos in my book I'd get the Liszts any day. | |
Which material sounds better for speakers construction? Wood, Ply or MDF? You've got to wonder about the motivation of a high percentage of those buyers. They're people impressed by the Magico aura, who until now couldn't afford to own the brand. But that's the point: they're buying the brand, not the sound. | |
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!) Exactly.What I was going for in this thread was the enterprise headed by one guy, with perhaps one or two helpers, tops. There seem to be plenty of viable speaker companies operating like this, though the downside is of course that it's diabolica... | |
Best of the best Integrated amps in 2018 No love for Constellation's various models, CH Precision, or the Ypsilon Phaethon? | |
Furutech GTX NCF receptical break in, how long In some cases, length of burn-in time = our ears/brain need longer than usual to get used to the new sound. Nothing more. | |
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to? clarinetmonster2, you're crazy. (-;Egregious omissions from your list: Dynaudio Contour 60, Spendor D9, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grands. | |
DEDICATED CD PLAYER $1K AND UNDER, THOUGHTS? As it's the disc-drive in the CD player that is likely the first thing to do, for simple longevity I don't see how keeping the current player and getting a DAC is the best option. If you're confident in the Marantz, OK. But I have to say this: a... | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers Spendor D7/D9?Spatial Audio M3/X2? | |
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO! It's so difficult to judge value in audio products, especially speakers.OK, so we know that the actual cost of wood (or other materials), drivers, and a few electronic components is nothing like the retail cost of the speaker.But... production has... | |
DEDICATED CD PLAYER $1K AND UNDER, THOUGHTS? If I were buying from Audiogon right now, I'd look at that Creek CD-50, which is brand new and which you can get, I'm sure, for a full 33% off. | |
Speaker recomendation If you're interested in filling the room, then perhaps consider some omnidirectionals. There have been several recent threads about various brands. |