Responses from twoleftears
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre? In terms of naturalness of timbre, the AN's hit it out of the park for me. But then, they do need to be close to a front wall, and ideally close to a corner, for maximum bass reinforcement. Judging by the number of photos I see of conventional s... | |
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs. How is this different from the frequent situation in audio where manufacturer X comes out with a v.2/mkII of their previous product, with a whole new wave of adverts extolling all the improvements they've made over the original? How do those who ... | |
Help me replace ancient speakers - or not Yes, there are Audio Note kits. Worth checking out.Otherwise, Totem Forest might fit the bill. | |
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre? @prof Yes, I'm aware that I'm in a minority, though from alone. Devore's tend a little more to the "modern sound" that is shared by most recently designed speakers in the 5K and up range. I don't want to use the adjective bright, but they are do... | |
$20k speakers that really impressed you All right, I'll bite. Harbeth 40.2, Spendor Classic 100, Vienna Acoustics Liszt. | |
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday! @riaa... etc. Hey rhea, no trashing going on. More of an abstract musing on how designers conceive of what they're doing and what their goals are.Before some DACs had filters, there were those cubes that came with B&W, KEF, etc. That always... | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? The tube renaissance coincided with the release of early digital. Boy, those early DDD recordings were real ear-bleeders. Ever heard massed violins on a DGG disc from that period? Ouch! Tube preamps and amps were the perfect remedy. It drove ... | |
Send Inlets to be Cryoed inlet=receptacle=outlet=socket.Right? | |
Stillpoints - snake oil? The Isoacoustics Orea Indigo costs ~$60 per footer.The Isoacoustics Iso-puck costs ~$110 for a set of 4.The Indigo is marketed to home audio; the Puck (at least according to their website) to the pro audio market.Am I missing something here, beyon... | |
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre? @fsonicsmith Have you heard the Audio Note AN-E's, which just happen to be Devore's principal inspiration? To my ears the originals are still the best in that category that matters to you, truth of timbre. | |
Your most disappointing purchase or audition? @jafox Yes. Me too. Thiel 3.6. Made the mistake of availing myself of the trade-up program from a 2.3? 2.4? The 2.X were OK, the 3.6 proved, over the medium, nigh on unlistenable. Local dealer finally rescued me with ProAc Response 2.5's. | |
Recommendations Amp, DAC for Kef R900 @uncola Talk to this guy, he's the Kinki rep. in the U.S. | |
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio @nonoise + others. When the Lab12 Gordian achieves some wider market penetration, I think it may then be recognized as a true sleeper in the product category. | |
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday! All these different setting combinations seem to me like a cop-out on the part of the designer. Surely the goal is to design and manufacture a machine as faithful to the original signal as possible; one presumes one setting combination comes clos... | |
Accuracy vs. Enjoyment Depends on what % of overly etched recordings are in your collection and in rotation. If your system is ruthlessly accurate and lots of your discs sound bad, where's the enjoyment in that? |