

Responses from twoleftears

Classe closes Montreal operations
Whatever holding company that actually owns B&W bought Classe a number of years ago.  Quite obviously with the goal of providing a single audio purchasing experience from source to speaker.  I date their gradual decline from them.  Before, Cla... 
Devor - KEF - Vienna Acoustic – Wilson?
Just to expand on that point: I first heard the Liszt's driven by the solid-state 60W integrated from Ayre.  And they sounded great.  They sounded better, needless to say, when we moved up to the more powerful and much more expensive AX-5.  Now as... 
Devor - KEF - Vienna Acoustic – Wilson?
To my mind the VA Lizst's were right down the middle.  They didn't sound forward or recessed, tipped up or bassed down.  Heard them in a medium-sized room.  They certainly didn't overwhelm (volume control) but there was clearly a lot of oomph left... 
Is it possible to buy a decent tube amplifier in the $2000-3000 range?
Rogue Cronus Magnum II if you want integrated, otherwise look for a Stereo 100 if you just want power. 
Do I have to spend $4000 plus to get a better sounding speaker than GET model 7 ?
The only way you're going to know is by auditioning, in person, one of the Golden Ear models against a very different speaker.  One of your preferred makes, or something broadly similar.Different strokes for different folks.  I heard the GE 2's ag... 
what speakers to buy
Personally, I hew to the likes of ProAc, Vienna Acoustics, Spendor, Silverline, and similar.  Having a better sense of your priorities, you should look at Vanderstein Treo CTs.  John Ruttan, Audio Connection, is an expert on both ProAcs and Vander... 
Devor - KEF - Vienna Acoustic – Wilson?
I've only heard the Liszt.  Superb speakers!  Demo'd with Ayre electronics.  First, to prove a point, he powered them with the AX-7 60W integrated.  Sounded greater.  Then moved on to the AX-5, and you could definitely hear the difference.  But th... 
what speakers to buy
Look at ProAc.  Some good deals used.  Most models are two-ways, yet lack nothing in bass. 
Does it get any better?
What's better?  More of all the qualities you currently appreciate?  How much better? 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%?  To make a significant *improvement*--rather than, as you say, just a difference--be prepared to spend 3x, 4x, 5x the total cost of your curren... 
Rogue Audio two new integrateds Great or Same old?
Try the CMII at home if you can.  I heard it with Harbeths (and B&W, Paradigm, Sonus Faber), and liked it so much I bought one.  It makes my PMC's really sing.  The Ayre AX-7 was sent to the secondary system.  Less impressed with the Sphinx; t... 
Choices narrowed Rogue RP-1 and Primaluna Prologue Premium Preamps
For made in the US, excellent after-sale service, and pleasant telephone conversations with the manufacturers (very chatty, in fact), go with Rogue.  You won't regret it. 
Mohican vs BCD-3
You'll find quite a number of very happy BCD-3 owners over on AudioCircle.  There are several threads dedicated to it.  James Tanner argues that mating the specific drive/output to the specific DAC has benefits over separate boxes.  Perhaps the Mo... 
Classical fans, I need advice
Easing into Mahler.I recommend starting with #1.  If not that, #4.  Or 1 and 4 more or less concurrently.If you like emotional, late-Romantic music, move on to the slow movements in ## 5, 6 and 9.After that, I'd say it's time to tackle #2.Now you'... 
KT150's in Rogue Cronus Magnum ii
So far only Genalex Gold Lion 12au7's and 12ax7's, much recommended by Jim McShane.  I'm going to get a NOS 12au7 for the pre-amp position, but have been dithering over which brand to go with (Mullard, Brimar, Amperex) and which supplier (McShane,... 
KT150's in Rogue Cronus Magnum ii
This is rather OT, but I recently dropped in some Genalex Gold Lion KT88s, and when I get round to it I'll be going back to the Tung-Sol KT120s.  Not a night a day difference, to my ears.  88s perhaps a little more liquid/forgiving, but lost some ...