

Responses from twoleftears

Matching an Amplifier to my Proac Response 2.5s + CJ PV5
For many years I ran my 2.5s with a 12W Cary SE Class A tube amp, and was very, very happy with the result.  This was based on a recommendation a long time ago from Arnie, the founder of A-gon, when he still ran a B&M store, Accutronics, in An... 
What's up with AudiogoN?
"Ending Today" functions in a totally random fashion for me.  Sometimes multiple pages show up, sometimes none.  Click on something else and go back, and a different number of pages shows.  Work through them sequentially, and it usually stops shor... 
To Bi-Wire or use Jumpers?
How about thinking about it this way.  For a given $ sum, you can get two runs for bi-wiring or a better single run.  If you get short lengths of the same cable to link the terminals (see Wireworld, for instance), you get better cable and avoid ma... 
Cambridge CXC with Arcam irDAC
I paired the CXC with the Gungnir.  Sound is more than OK, but didn't outdo my now long-in-the-tooth Bryston BCD-1.  The CXC works fine, but the remote is very frustrating. You get a one-size-fits-all remote that has minimal controls for the trans... 
Yup.  AFAIK, previously they were just good ole class AB.  Time to pick up a PM11S3, methinks. 
Wilson Audio Haters
I've only heard Wilsons in dealers' showrooms.  They have always been playing percussive jazz at high volumes, and the effect was hard and fatiguing, making me want to exit the room a.s.a.p. rather than stay and listen.That, combined with the pric... 
They've gone over to the D(ark) side.  Wonder why the box is so large and heavy... 
PSB T3 Owners - Tell Me About Your Speakers - Considering Purchase - Can't Demo Them
You'll find the Salk enthusiasts over on another audio forum where, er, they go round and round. 
Quack System Upgrades
So the PM-11S3 is being discontinued and replaced by the considerably more expensive PM-10?  Is that right? 
PSB T3 Owners - Tell Me About Your Speakers - Considering Purchase - Can't Demo Them
If you buy them from Crutchfield they should be returnable, no questions asked.  Best to check the fine print beforehand, though. 
Just wondering...
I've run a Bryston BCD-1 almost since they were first released, a good number of years ago.  Last year I acquired a Schiit Gungnir (and a Cambridge transport) and alternated them in and out the system.  They now reside in my secondary system.  Tak... 
Decided to change my cd player, suggestions please?
Bryston is about to release the BCD-3.  Their DACs are highly praised, and I'm still using their BCD-1.  I plan to purchase a "3" soon.  BTW, superlative factory support and service, if every needed. 
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?
I guess they're out of production now, but a meritorious mention for the Totem Mani-2's.  Remarkable bass out of a relatively small monitor. 
How do I power my 800D(3)s
B&W and Classe have a corporate connection of some sort, which is why they are so often shown together.  Classe is good, but there may be better options.