Responses from twoleftears
Proac problem: tweeters or crossover? Almarg: will do re. test CD. I should have added earlier that I've inserted an Ayre AX-7e into the system (that led to initial scrutiny of the speakers).Zd542, as per original post, Modern Audio, the distributors for Proac in the US, told me to ac... | |
Proac problem: tweeters or crossover? P.S. I'll try and describe what I'm hearing from the tweeters.The basic sound level (volume) is a total mismatch with that of the mid-woofers, if they were running. The tweeters are at a much lower level. It's hard to imagine that when both driver... | |
Proac problem: tweeters or crossover? Thanks for responses.I did install the new tweeters carefully, and they definitely are in correct polarity. I noted that the internal hook-up cable was labelled Bandridge Superflex 2.The mid-woofers sound great, so it isn't the electronics.I'm usi... | |
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, Anne Sophie-Mutter Here's another vote for Fabio Biondi. If you enjoy this music, you owe it to yourself to hear this version. I don't know the Mutter, but I'm sure it will be quite, err, different. | |
Vandersteen Quatro CT Overture have carried Vandersteen for decades. I think it's more likely that they've been in their new location for a year and a half.I listened to Vandersteen 3s and Dynaudio X38s there this summer. Driven by Sim Audio integrated. I wrote about t... | |
what do i power my thiel 3.6 with I agree.I traded in/up from 2.3s to 3.6s years ago, and regretted that I ever did. The 3.6s definitely incline to the "ruthlessly revealing" side of the spectrum. They also need a good deal of power--typically solid-state, because of how much powe... | |
Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics I recently heard the VA Liszts driven by Ayre AX5. The sound was absolutely terrific. The dealer then dropped the AX7e into the system. It was more than able to drive the Liszts, and still sounded very good, though the superiority of the AX5 was c... | |
What speakers for 10k? The Beethoven Concert Grands have been around since 2005. To my knowledge they're passed through three "versions" over these ten years. You gotta wonder how old the ones on ebay are. | |
What speakers for 10k? I recently heard the VA Liszt speakers driven by Ayre AX5 and they were spectacularly good. Possibly the best sound I've heard. Drove them loud with Mahler and Sibelius and they completely maintained their composure. At $13K they're obviously over... | |
My Triton Ones are being delivered to me tomorrow Has anyone had a chance to audition the Triton Ones with the Triton Twos, side by side?All this love for the Ones has got me thinking.A couple of months ago I auditioned the Twos. They sounded just fine. Then we substituted the B&W CM10s, and ... | |
s-s integrateds just on the warm side of neutral Before this thread gets seriously side-tracked, can I make a plea for it to return to my original question. Thanks. | |
s-s integrateds just on the warm side of neutral Akg_ca: I take all of your points and do know exactly what you're talking about. If I lived nearer to more than one store, and if I had a network of audio buddies, it would all be easier.There are early DDD recordings made by Deutsche Grammophon t... | |
s-s integrateds just on the warm side of neutral Thanks Cellorover!Would class A Luxman and Sugden also fit in here? They seem like likely candidates. | |
AudiogoN Inception Date? This facebook page provides much of the answer. owner of Accutronics was Arnie {surname?]. He sold me the Cary and the ProAc that I still have. | |
Your most disappointing purchase or audition? Muse 175 monoblocks. A short while after getting them, I noticed a problem--a kind of distortion triggered by a few passages on certain CDs. The problem followed the monoblock when I moved it from one speaker to the other. Sent it back to Muse, an... |